108-112 W Zupan St Apartments

108-112 W Zupan St, Maryville, IL 62062


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108-112 W Zupan St

108-112 W Zupan St
Maryville, IL 62062
108-112 W Zupan St in Maryville, IL - Building Photo
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  • 2 Bedroom Bedrooms

About 108-112 W Zupan St

Experience Maryville living at 108-112 W Zupan St. This community is located in the 62062 area of Maryville. The professional leasing staff is waiting to show you all that this community has to offer. Visit 108-112 W Zupan St today.

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

108-112 W Zupan St is located in the 62062 Zip code of Maryville, IL.

Property Contact Info

This property is currently does not have availability listed on ApartmentHomeLiving.com. Sign-up to get notified when it becomes available.Request Availability Alert

Floorplan Pricing and Availability

    • 2 Bedrooms

      2 Beds, 1.5 baths

      2 Beds, 1.5 Baths 

      Availability Details

      Availability DateUnit
      Unavailable2 Beds, 1.5 baths

      Model Amenities and Features


      • Air Conditioning
      • Wheelchair Accessible (Rooms)
    Price shown is base rent and may not include non-optional fees and utilities. View Fees and Policies for details. Price, availability, fees, and any applicable rent special are subject to change without notice.

    Property Information

    • 12 Units
    • 2 Stories
    • Built in 2009

    Features and Amenities

    Interior Features

    • Air Conditioning
    • Wheelchair Accessible (Rooms)


    108-112 W Zupan St, Maryville, IL 62062

    Getting Around

    Walk Score®

    43 / 100


    Most errands require a car

    Bike Score®

    57 / 100


    Some bike infrastructure

    Renters Reviews and Ratings

    2 Renters Reviews
    ⓘ How is this Rating Determined?The property ratings on ApartmentHomeLiving.com are created using a 5-star scale that includes average renter review scores combined with building ratings to determine an overall blended property score.

    Building ratings are based on a community’s features, including the building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. To learn more about the CoStar Building Rating System, refer to our official guidelines here.
    • Property Manager and Owner don’t care about tenants!!

      December 21, 2022
      They suck I highly recommend not staying there. The owner and property managers are terrible. Any time they make a mistake they never take accountability and compensate for their constant mistakes. The actual owner doesn’t care about the tenants and when you try to reach out to him he tells his property managers that he doesn’t talk to ANY TENANTS. Very rude staff, will not be renewing my lease with them. I suggest you find another place to call home because the people at trails edge could care ...
      less about you and the mistakes they make.
      Read More
      Review from Apartments.com

      October 19, 2018
      Please be careful renting these units with their Property Management. Sometimes they are listed under KC Property Management, other times Property Management 54. I stayed with this company for a little over a year. My apartment unit was broken into due to the faulty locks on the windows. Police stated that the unit needed new window locks and management had to wait for a manufacturer to do this. I was never told a time-frame of when the windows would be fixed so I asked if I could move out. They ...
      informed me that it was fine to move out under the circumstances and that I would receive my deposit back minus carpet cleaning. Well after almost 11 weeks of requesting my deposit back, I received a letter from the owner Debra stating that because I didn't give a written 30 day notice, I will not be receiving my deposit back. This was after several weeks of unanswered calls, emails, text, and random office visits. They also randomly changed the name of their Property Management when requesting my deposit. Finally when I decided to inform them I was getting an attorney to get my money back, she responded with a letter stating that I was in breach of my contract by not providing a 30 day notice. After saying this, the owner decided she was also going to double my month rent since I was a few days short of renewing my lease so she said she would not give me my money back. This was never brought to my attention beforehand but all of a sudden, the company wanted to give several reasons for not returning my deposit. These are the same people that raised my rent in the middle of my lease and I didn't bother arguing about it because I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Also, don't bother talking to the police department about your money or any incidents, they are close friends.
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      Review from Apartments.com

    Nearby Schools

    Collinsville High School

    Collinsville Community Unit School District 10
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    Public School - Grades 9-12 (1978 Students)
    In Attendance Zone13 minute drive / 6.1 miles away

    Collinsville Middle School

    Collinsville Community Unit School District 10
    9649 Collinsville Road
    Public School - Grades 7-8 (950 Students)
    In Attendance Zone11 minute drive / 5.6 miles away

    Dorris Intermediate School

    Collinsville Community Unit School District 10
    1841 Vandalia Street
    Public School - Grades 4-6 (884 Students)
    In Attendance Zone4 minute drive / 2.1 miles away

    Maryville Elementary School

    Collinsville Community Unit School District 10
    6900 West Main Street
    Public School - Grades PK-4 (383 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.5 miles away
    School data provided by GreatSchools.
    The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

    About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

    Points of Interest

    Time and distance from 108-112 W Zupan St.

    Big Box and Retail

    6607 State Route 162
    3 minute drive / 1.31 miles away
    16 Cottonwood Rd
    7 minute drive / 3.72 miles away

    Colleges and Universities

    Il State Rte 157
    11 minute drive / 5.48 miles away
    4950 Maryville Road
    16 minute drive / 7.86 miles away
    701 College Rd
    23 minute drive / 10.98 miles away


    16 Cottonwood Rd
    7 minute drive / 3.72 miles away
    6627 Governors Pky
    9 minute drive / 4.55 miles away
    Market Basket
    447 S Buchanan St
    12 minute drive / 5.87 miles away


    Anderson Hospital
    6800 State Route 162
    4 minute drive / 1.45 miles away
    Gateway Regional Medical Center
    2100 Madison Avenue
    21 minute drive / 10.06 miles away

    Shopping Centers

    2709 N Center St
    2 minute drive / 0.81 miles away
    2918-2922 N Center St
    3 minute drive / 1.15 miles away
    2 Professional Park Dr
    3 minute drive / 1.18 miles away

    108-112 W Zupan St has 5 shopping centers within 2.2 miles.

    Transit Stations

    9325 St Clair Ave
    21 minute drive / 9.94 miles away
    9325 St Clair Ave
    21 minute drive / 9.94 miles away

    Nearby Neighborhoods

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