1510 Thurston Ave Apartments

1510 Thurston Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822


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1510 Thurston Ave

1510 Thurston Ave
Honolulu, HI 96822
1510 Thurston Ave in Honolulu, HI - Building Photo
This property is currently unavailable on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

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  • 1 Bedroom Bedrooms

About 1510 Thurston Ave

Explore Honolulu living at 1510 Thurston Ave. Located in Honolulu's Makiki Lower Punchbowl Tantalu area, living at this community offers a variety of nearby highlights. From pricing to features, the leasing team is ready and waiting to help you find your new apartment. Come see 1510 Thurston Ave today.

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

1510 Thurston Ave is located in the Makiki Lower Punchbowl Tantalu Neighborhood and 96822 Zip code of Honolulu, HI.

Property Contact Info

This property is currently does not have availability listed on ApartmentHomeLiving.com. Sign-up to get notified when it becomes available.Request Availability Alert

Floorplan Pricing and Availability

    • 1 Bedroom

      1 Bed, 1 bath

      1 Bed, 1 Bath 

      Availability Details

      Availability DateUnit
      Unavailable1 Bed, 1 bath
    * Price shown is base rent and may not include non-optional fees and utilities. View Fees and Policies for details. Price, availability, fees, and any applicable rent special are subject to change without notice.

    Property Information

    • 6 Units
    • 2 Stories
    • Built in 1978

    Parking Fees & Info

    Parking Other

    • Parking Available


    1510 Thurston Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822

    Getting Around

    Walk Score®

    73 / 100

    Very Walkable

    Most errands can be accomplished on foot

    Bike Score®

    44 / 100

    Somewhat Bikeable

    Minimal bike infrastructure

    Transit Score®

    71 / 100

    Excellent Transit

    Transit is convenient for most trips

    Renters Reviews and Ratings

    1 Renters Reviews
    ⓘ How is this Rating Determined?The property ratings on ApartmentHomeLiving.com are created using a 5-star scale that includes average renter review scores combined with building ratings to determine an overall blended property score.

    Building ratings are based on a community’s features, including the building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. To learn more about the CoStar Building Rating System, refer to our official guidelines here.
    • Horrible Units and Horrible Management

      October 21, 2019
      Units are built like junk. The place was built in 1948 and the insulation and everything is so poorly built in this place. By far the worst place I have lived in Hawaii and I have lived in 4-5 other places before! Also don't rent from this management company(Ilc & Swell Realty) they are money hungry and especially when it comes to moving out they want to take your whole security deposit by forcing you use an expensive professional cleaning company and if you use yours and they don't like the job ...
      they will charge you again to use their professional cleaners...they charge you when you move out for a professional exterminator... they charge you for buffing the floors(at least in my specific unit)...they charge you for everything just to eat your whole security deposit. They wouldn't allow me to have AC in my unit when my unit was above 100 degrees daily this summer and is still hot ATM. My family and I including my 1 year old would be walking and sleeping in sweat. It should be illegal to not be able to have an AC unit especially in this unit where it is facing the sun and no breeze comes in. I would highly discourage anyone to rent from these people or deal with them. They don't provide good service and just want cold hard cash from you!
      Read More
      Review from Apartments.com

    Nearby Schools

    Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School

    Hawaii Department Of Education
    1202 Prospect Street
    Public School - Grades 6-8 (576 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.4 miles away

    President Abraham Lincoln Elementary School

    Hawaii Department Of Education
    615 Auwaiolimu Street
    Public School - Grades PK-5 (357 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.5 miles away

    President Theodore Roosevelt High School

    Hawaii Department Of Education
    1120 Nehoa Street
    Public School - Grades 9-12 (1433 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.6 miles away
    School data provided by GreatSchools.
    The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

    About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

    Points of Interest

    Time and distance from 1510 Thurston Ave.

    Big Box and Retail

    1488 Kapiolani Blvd
    3 minute drive / 1.16 miles away
    1519 Kapiolani Blvd
    3 minute drive / 1.23 miles away
    2851-2855 E Manoa Rd
    5 minute drive / 1.92 miles away

    Colleges and Universities

    1 Aloha Tower Drive
    3 minute drive / 1.29 miles away
    2500 Campus Road
    4 minute drive / 1.66 miles away
    874 Dillingham Blvd
    4 minute drive / 2.09 miles away


    1460 S Beretania St
    2 minute drive / 0.73 miles away
    2851-2855 E Manoa Rd
    5 minute drive / 1.92 miles away


    1319 Punahou Street
    2 minute drive / 0.76 miles away
    1310 Punahou Street
    2 minute drive / 0.77 miles away
    888 So King Street
    2 minute drive / 0.88 miles away

    Military Bases

    4 minute drive / 2.0 miles away
    7 minute drive / 3.59 miles away
    14 minute drive / 6.78 miles away

    Parks and Recreation

    180 North Vineyard Boulevard
    3 minute drive / 1.3 miles away
    1201 Ala Moana Boulevard
    4 minute drive / 1.44 miles away
    Diamond Head Road & 18th Ave
    8 minute drive / 3.95 miles away

    1510 Thurston Ave has 5 parks within 9.8 miles, including Foster Botanical Gardens, Ala Moana Beach Park, Diamond Head State Monument, Spitting Cave, and Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve.

    Shopping Centers

    1411 S King St
    2 minute drive / 0.81 miles away
    1575 S Beretania St
    2 minute drive / 0.83 miles away
    825 Keeaumoku St
    2 minute drive / 0.91 miles away

    1510 Thurston Ave has 5 shopping centers within 1.1 miles.

    Nearby Neighborhoods

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    Studio to 4 Bedroom Apartments from $595
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    Studio to 4 Bedroom Apartments from $595
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    Rental Price Ranges in the Area

    BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
    Honolulu Studio Apartments $2,049$595$4,039
    Honolulu 1 Bedroom Apartments $2,689$900$5,456
    Honolulu 2 Bedroom Apartments $3,224$1,425$10,000+
    Honolulu 3 Bedroom Apartments $2,548$1,260$10,000+
    Honolulu 4 Bedroom Apartments $3,135$1,675$6,272

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    Viewing: 1510 Thurston Ave | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 09/01/2024