2326 Norwood Ave Apartments

2326 Norwood Ave, Norwood, OH 45212


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2326 Norwood Ave

2326 Norwood Ave
Norwood, OH 45212
2326 Norwood Ave in Norwood, OH - Building Photo
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  • 1 Bedroom Bedrooms

About 2326 Norwood Ave

Discover true Norwood living at 2326 Norwood Ave. In Norwood's Norwood neighborhood, living at this community gives you plenty of nearby experiences. The professional leasing staff is waiting to show you all that this community has to offer. Drop by 2326 Norwood Ave today.

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

2326 Norwood Ave is located in the Norwood Neighborhood and 45212 Zip code of Norwood, OH.

Property Contact Info

This property is currently does not have availability listed on ApartmentHomeLiving.com. Sign-up to get notified when it becomes available.Request Availability Alert

Floorplan Pricing and Availability

    • 1 Bedroom

      1 Bed, 1 bath

      1 Bed, 1 Bath 

      Availability Details

      Availability DateUnit
      Unavailable1 Bed, 1 bath

      Model Amenities and Features


      • High Speed Internet Access
      • Smoke Free
    Price shown is base rent and may not include non-optional fees and utilities. View Fees and Policies for details. Price, availability, fees, and any applicable rent special are subject to change without notice.

    Property Information

    • 12 Units
    • 2 Stories
    • Built in 1915

    Features and Amenities

    Interior Features

    • Storage Space

    Kitchen Amenities

    • Granite Countertops


    2326 Norwood Ave, Norwood, OH 45212

    Getting Around

    Walk Score®

    60 / 100

    Somewhat Walkable

    Some errands can be accomplished on foot

    Bike Score®

    30 / 100

    Somewhat Bikeable

    Minimal bike infrastructure

    Transit Score®

    41 / 100

    Some Transit

    A few nearby public transportation options

    Renters Reviews and Ratings

    2 Renters Reviews
    ⓘ How is this Rating Determined?The property ratings on ApartmentHomeLiving.com are created using a 5-star scale that includes average renter review scores combined with building ratings to determine an overall blended property score.

    Building ratings are based on a community’s features, including the building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. To learn more about the CoStar Building Rating System, refer to our official guidelines here.
    • Worst Apartment Experience Ever

      March 15, 2018
      I wish I had something good to say about this place, but my experience quickly became worse and worse. Having the highway ramp directly in front of me was convenient, but this part of Norwood isn't the best. My car was keyed along the entire passenger side by someone I don't know for no reason. Cockroaches started to appear more and more frequently and became a real problem despite cleaning and traps. I became embarrassed to have people over because they might see the roaches in the bathroom. ...
      The bathtub had really old caulking and there was no air circulation unless I wanted to try to open the window that was in the shower... The only heat in the building is from the radiators, which work fine, but the problem is that they turn on whenever they want, tenants have no control over it. It could be freezing outside and they won't come on, or it could be hot outside and they decide to turn on and cook you. There was a period of time when my mail was getting stolen because the mail area is unlocked to anyone off the street. Someone broke the door behind the mail area at one point, and then the entire building became unlocked to anyone off the street. I started getting concerned about the cracking on my ceiling. The solution I was given was that it was covered up with more plaster. A few months later, dark brown water started pouring out of those same cracks, onto my things, and all over the floor during rainfall. Besides being a huge pain, I wondered if the ceiling would collapse on me. I can say that the landlord is nice, however, it didn't make up for all of the things that happened while living here. The rent is definitely cheap, but I can't say that it was worth it... Just don't live here.
      Read More
      Review from Apartments.com
    • Old Charm and New Windows

      September 17, 2015
      This apartment is on the second floor of a 4 unit building. Literally right off of the Norwood Lateral. It is not a quite place due to the traffic noise from the highway but it is bearable (much like living in any city). The rooms are large, especially the kitchen, and the windows in the bedroom are new. The other windows are heavy, old wood and need to be propped open with something. Spring and Fall are lovely because of the breeze. the appliances are updated (including a dishwasher), and ...
      the space has lots of old world charm. There is a small "hallway" in the apartment. It was perfect for some bookcases or movie racks creating a Library-esk atmosphere.
      Read More
      Review from Apartments.com

    Nearby Schools

    Norwood High School

    Norwood City
    2020 Sherman Avenue
    Public School - Grades 9-12 (456 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.6 miles away

    Sharpsburg Primary

    Norwood City
    4400 Smith Road
    Public School - Grades PK-5 (259 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.5 miles away

    Norwood Middle School

    Norwood City
    2060 Sherman Avenue
    Public School - Grades 6-8 (395 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.5 miles away
    School data provided by GreatSchools.
    The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

    About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

    Points of Interest

    Time and distance from 2326 Norwood Ave.

    Arts Museums and Landmarks

    953 Eden Park Drive
    8 minute drive / 4.1 miles away
    44 E. 6th st
    11 minute drive / 5.18 miles away
    44 E 6th St
    11 minute drive / 5.18 miles away

    Big Box and Retail

    3401 Alamo Ave
    4 minute drive / 1.52 miles away
    4000 Red Bank Rd
    5 minute drive / 2.66 miles away
    8274 Vine St
    8 minute drive / 3.78 miles away

    Colleges and Universities

    3800 Victory Parkway
    4 minute drive / 1.47 miles away
    2624 Clifton Avenue
    7 minute drive / 3.29 miles away
    2624 Clifton Avenue
    7 minute drive / 3.72 miles away


    1 W Corry St
    8 minute drive / 3.84 miles away


    5500 Verulam Avenue
    4 minute drive / 1.39 miles away
    1101 Summit Road
    5 minute drive / 2.69 miles away
    3333 Burnet Avenue
    6 minute drive / 3.0 miles away

    Parks and Recreation

    3400 Vine Street
    7 minute drive / 3.4 miles away
    2625 Reading Rd.
    7 minute drive / 3.42 miles away
    430 West North Bend Road
    7 minute drive / 3.59 miles away

    2326 Norwood Ave has 5 parks within 4.2 miles, including Cincinnati Zoo, Hauck Botanical Garden, Caldwell Nature Preserve, Spring Grove Arboretum, and William Howard Taft Historical Site.

    Restaurants and Dining

    3200 Madison Rd
    3 minute drive / 1.27 miles away
    934 Hatch Street
    9 minute drive / 4.33 miles away
    600 Walnut St
    11 minute drive / 5.15 miles away

    Shopping Centers

    4600-4612 Smith Rd
    1 minute drive / 0.11 miles away
    4488-4588 Montgomery Rd
    1 minute drive / 0.33 miles away
    3831 Edwards Rd
    2 minute drive / 0.79 miles away

    2326 Norwood Ave has 5 shopping centers within 0.9 miles.

    Nearby Neighborhoods

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    Studio to 4 Bedroom Apartments from $600
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    Studio to 3 Bedroom Apartments from $795
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    Rental Price Ranges in the Area

    BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
    Norwood Studio Apartments $1,239$645$2,085
    Norwood 1 Bedroom Apartments $1,331$699$2,370
    Norwood 2 Bedroom Apartments $1,536$820$3,455
    Norwood 3 Bedroom Apartments $1,946$975$4,050
    Norwood 4 Bedroom Apartments $2,230$1,595$4,585

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