Marbella Condominiums Apartments

1365 Crafton Ave, Mentone, CA 92359


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Marbella Condominiums

1365 Crafton Ave
Mentone, CA 92359
Marbella Condominiums in Mentone, CA - Building Photo
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About Marbella Condominiums

At Marbella Condominiums in Mentone, CA, you've discovered your new home. This community is located in the North Redlands area of Mentone. The professional leasing team is ready and waiting for you to come take a tour. Drop by to check the current floorplan availability.

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

Marbella Condominiums is located in the North Redlands Neighborhood and 92359 Zip code of Mentone, CA.

Property Contact Info

This property is currently does not have availability listed on Sign-up to get notified when it becomes available.Request Availability Alert

Property Information

  • 41 Units
  • 2 Stories
  • Built in 1991

Parking Fees & Info

Parking Covered Lot

  • Parking Available

Features and Amenities

Recreation and Fitness

  • Spa

Interior Features

  • Balcony
  • Washer/Dryer Hookup
  • Air Conditioning

Kitchen Amenities

  • Dishwasher
  • Microwave


1365 Crafton Ave, Mentone, CA 92359

Getting Around

Walk Score®

51 / 100

Somewhat Walkable

Some errands can be accomplished on foot

Bike Score®

34 / 100

Somewhat Bikeable

Minimal bike infrastructure

Renters Reviews and Ratings

4 Renters Reviews
ⓘ How is this Rating Determined?The property ratings on are created using a 5-star scale that includes average renter review scores combined with building ratings to determine an overall blended property score.

Building ratings are based on a community’s features, including the building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. To learn more about the CoStar Building Rating System, refer to our official guidelines here.
  • Very poorly managed

    April 4, 2021
    The guard shack here is a complete joke.The current security guards do not patrol the complex and as a result you have cars parking in the street of the complex (which is also the fire lane) for long periods of time and you have people that live here parking in the visitors parking. How these people have not been written up or towed is completely beyond me. Also this place is supposed to be smoke free yet I always see people smoking outside of there apartments.There might aswell not even be a ...
    guard shack.
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    Review from
  • horrible

    January 3, 2021
    been living here for nearly 6 years, downstairs neighbors slam their door, inconsiderate neighbors blast their music and talk obnoxiously loud. people park on the street and wash their cars when they aren’t supposed to which make it hard to get in to our parking. decent apartment but the neighbors are horrible.
    Review from
  • Great Apartment,

    November 9, 2019
    I rented a 1-Bedroom 1 bath with a washer and dryer hook up. The room is very spacious, living room was a decent size also, kitchen was huge. I absolutely loved these apartments. when I lived here, security was on top of things. I did see roaches once my neighbors moved out other than that never had a problem. I contacted management to let them know neighbors moved and that I have seen very few roaches they did fix the problem immediately. My upstairs neighbors would watch over my house while ...
    I was on vacation. These are all individually owned.
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    Review from

    April 15, 2019
    This location looks good from the street but is a poorly managed/maintained residential setting. NOT recommended for those who are conscientious.
    Review from

Nearby Schools

Mentone Elementary

Redlands Unified
1320 Crafton Avenue
Public School - Grades K-5 (434 Students)
In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.1 miles away

Clement Middle

Redlands Unified
501 East Pennsylvania Avenue
Public School - Grades 6-8 (1038 Students)
In Attendance Zone7 minute drive / 3.3 miles away

Redlands East Valley High

Redlands Unified
31000 East Colton Avenue
Public School - Grades 9-12 (1853 Students)
In Attendance Zone2 minute drive / 0.8 miles away
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on

Points of Interest

Time and distance from Marbella Condominiums.

Big Box and Retail

800 E Lugonia Ave
6 minute drive / 3.04 miles away
450 E Cypress Ave
7 minute drive / 3.29 miles away
223 W Colton Ave
8 minute drive / 3.78 miles away

Colleges and Universities

1200 E. Colton Ave
5 minute drive / 2.57 miles away
11234 Anderson Street
17 minute drive / 8.23 miles away


450 E Cypress Ave
7 minute drive / 3.29 miles away
Grocery Outlet
27945 Greenspot Rd
10 minute drive / 4.99 miles away
Smart & Final
1720 W Redlands Blvd
11 minute drive / 5.36 miles away


Redlands Community Hospital
350 Terracina Blvd
11 minute drive / 5.41 miles away
Loma Linda University Behavioral Medical Center
1710 Barton Road
11 minute drive / 5.55 miles away
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital
11234 Anderson Street Suite A
17 minute drive / 8.2 miles away

Shopping Centers

1829-1839 Mentone Blvd
2 minute drive / 0.73 miles away
E Lugonia Ave
3 minute drive / 1.18 miles away
1748-1790 E Lugonia Ave
3 minute drive / 1.2 miles away

Marbella Condominiums has 5 shopping centers within 2.8 miles.

Nearby Neighborhoods

1 to 3 Bedroom Apartments from $1,595
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1 to 3 Bedroom Apartments from $1,595
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Rental Price Ranges in the Area

BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
Mentone 1 Bedroom Apartments $2,210$1,199$3,493
Mentone 2 Bedroom Apartments $2,492$1,750$4,292
Mentone 3 Bedroom Apartments $2,900$2,850$2,950

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