Shady Vista Apartments

125 NE Johnson Ave, Burleson, TX 76028


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Shady Vista Apartments

125 NE Johnson Ave
Burleson, TX 76028
Shady Vista Apartments in Burleson, TX - Building Photo
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  • 2 Bedroom Bedrooms
  • 1,024Square Feet

About Shady Vista Apartments

Find your new place at Shady Vista. The 76028 location is an ideal place for residents. The knowledgeable leasing staff is waiting to show you all that this community has in store. Stop by Shady Vista today.

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

Shady Vista Apartments is located in the 76028 Zip code of Burleson, TX.

Property Contact Info

This property is currently does not have availability listed on Sign-up to get notified when it becomes available.Request Availability Alert

Floorplan Pricing and Availability

    • 2 Bedrooms

      2 Beds, 2 baths

      2 Beds, 2 Baths, 1024 sq ft 

      Availability Details

      Availability DateUnitSq Ft
      Unavailable2 Beds, 2 baths1024 sq ft
    Price shown is base rent and may not include non-optional fees and utilities. View Fees and Policies for details. Price, availability, fees, and any applicable rent special are subject to change without notice.

    Property Information

    • 35 Units
    • 2 Stories
    • Built in 1995

    Utilities Included

    • Water

    Pet Policy

    Pet Policy - Cats

    • Cats Allowed
    • 2 Pet Limit
    • $400 Deposit
    • $100 Fee

    Pet Policy - Dogs

    • Dogs Allowed
    • $100 Fee
    • $400 Deposit
    • 2 Pet Limit
    • Breed Restrictions May Apply

    Parking Fees & Info

    Parking Surface

    • 1 Space.

    Fee & Deposit Info

    One-Time Fees

    • $40 Application Fee


    125 NE Johnson Ave, Burleson, TX 76028

    Getting Around

    Walk Score®

    77 / 100

    Very Walkable

    Most errands can be accomplished on foot

    Bike Score®

    55 / 100


    Some bike infrastructure

    Renters Reviews and Ratings

    2 Renters Reviews
    ⓘ How is this Rating Determined?The property ratings on are created using a 5-star scale that includes average renter review scores combined with building ratings to determine an overall blended property score.

    Building ratings are based on a community’s features, including the building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. To learn more about the CoStar Building Rating System, refer to our official guidelines here.
    • Great Place to live!!!

      March 16, 2018
      Very quiet place to live with only 50 units. Really nice big rooms, I love the Kitchen dining and living room and a nice size deck for patio furniture . Very nice peaceful place to live, there is no office but i have had no problems when i have needed them to fix things. Lots of storage in kitchen and bathrooms, also has a small storage area on the patio. Great place to live if you don't need the pool and play areas. But there are parks near by. Lots of room for the price.
      Review from
    • Average apts, rotten property management

      August 18, 2016
      The apts are not unsightly. Have enuff room for a couple and a child. The down side of this property is many. No leasing office or maintenance on property. The people at the property management office are rude and unyielding. Getting them to return calls is next to impossible. Any infractions of the rules or supposed rules, be prepared for a 50.00 fine. Have kids toys on the patio, 50.00 kids bikes? 50.00 fine. A grill? 50.00 fine. If you like to grill in the summer, you will hate this place. ...
      There is also no designated grilling areas on property. Your patios and balcony's are for your use, you pay rent to use them...just be prepared to be told HOW you will use them. I just in my honest opinion would not be able to reccomend this property. There are NO amenities, nothing but hassles. And, if you have health issues , you have to pay more to live downstairs than upstairs. Who does that? All the apts are the same 2 bedroom layout. They make money off convenience and the ill health of the elderly who can't navigate stairs. But this is my honest opinion of this property. I'm very surprised not more reviews of these apts. Also, on your way out, expect more expenses that will eat your deposit. You are required to have the wheel apt cleaned, including rugs, but not by you. You have to hire a professional cleaning service to do this and show proof. Just not a great experience at shady vista apts. Review your contract with a find tooth comb
      Read More
      Review from

    Nearby Schools

    Nick Kerr Middle

    Burleson Independent
    1320 East Hidden Creek Parkway
    Public School - Grades 6-8 (1248 Students)
    In Attendance Zone5 minute drive / 2.5 miles away

    Norwood Elementary School

    Burleson Independent
    619 Evelyn Lane
    Public School - Grades PK-5 (474 Students)
    In Attendance Zone3 minute drive / 1.2 miles away
    School data provided by GreatSchools.
    The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

    About GreatSchools Data on

    Points of Interest

    Time and distance from Shady Vista Apartments.

    Big Box and Retail

    200 NW John Jones Dr
    4 minute drive / 2.02 miles away
    1631 SW Wilshire Blvd
    5 minute drive / 2.35 miles away
    1725 SW Wilshire Blvd
    5 minute drive / 2.61 miles away

    Colleges and Universities

    5301 Campus Drive
    19 minute drive / 8.96 miles away


    1631 SW Wilshire Blvd
    5 minute drive / 2.35 miles away
    3525 Sycamore School Rd
    15 minute drive / 7.12 miles away
    El Rancho
    4812 S Freeway
    20 minute drive / 9.4 miles away


    12500 South Freeway Suite 100
    5 minute drive / 2.49 miles away
    11801 South Freeway
    6 minute drive / 3.14 miles away
    5560 Mesa Springs Drive
    18 minute drive / 8.74 miles away

    Shopping Centers

    200 E Renfro St
    1 minute drive / 0.25 miles away
    240-312 E Renfro St
    1 minute drive / 0.29 miles away
    113 NE Johnson Ave
    1 minute drive / 0.37 miles away

    Shady Vista Apartments has 5 shopping centers within 0.6 miles.

    Nearby Neighborhoods

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    Rental Price Ranges in the Area

    BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
    Burleson Studio Apartments $1,283$1,004$4,204
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    Burleson 4 Bedroom Apartments $2,615$2,455$2,775

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