West Park Apartments

910 Gateway Blvd, Westville, NJ 08093


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West Park Apartments

910 Gateway Blvd
Westville, NJ 08093
West Park Apartments in Westville, NJ - Building Photo
This property is currently unavailable on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

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  • 1 Bedroom Bedrooms
  • 750Square Feet

About West Park Apartments

At West Park in Westville, NJ, you've discovered your new home. The location of this community is in Westville on Gateway Blvd in the 8093 area. The leasing team is waiting to show you all that this community has to offer. At West Park you're home. Stop by the community today.

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

West Park Apartments is located in the 08093 Zip code of Westville, NJ.

Property Contact Info

This property is currently does not have availability listed on ApartmentHomeLiving.com. Sign-up to get notified when it becomes available.Request Availability Alert

Floorplan Pricing and Availability

    • 1 Bedroom

      1 Bed, 1 bath

      1 Bed, 1 Bath, 750 sq ft 

      Availability Details

      Availability DateUnitSq FtDeposit
      Unavailable1 Bed, 1 bath750 sq ft$1,200

      Model Amenities and Features


      • High Speed Internet Access
      • Smoke Free
    Price shown is base rent and may not include non-optional fees and utilities. View Fees and Policies for details. Price, availability, fees, and any applicable rent special are subject to change without notice.

    Property Information

    • 44 Units
    • 3 Stories
    • Built in 1964

    Utilities Included

    • Heat

    Parking Fees & Info

    Parking Surface

    • 1 Space.


    910 Gateway Blvd, Westville, NJ 08093

    Hours and Contact Info

    Open Now
    Currently Closed
    By Appointment
    Monday9:30 am–5:30 pm
    Tuesday9:30 am–5:30 pm
    Wednesday9:30 am–5:30 pm
    Thursday9:30 am–5:30 pm
    Friday9:30 am–5:30 pm
    SaturdayBy Appointment

    Getting Around

    Walk Score®

    58 / 100

    Somewhat Walkable

    Some errands can be accomplished on foot

    Bike Score®

    40 / 100

    Somewhat Bikeable

    Minimal bike infrastructure

    New Jersey Social Services Information

    Statewide service is free, confidential, multilingual and always open. Three easy ways to reach Social Services in NJ: Dial 2-1-1; text your zip code to 898-211; or chat at https://www.nj211.org

    Renters Reviews and Ratings

    2 Renters Reviews
    ⓘ How is this Rating Determined?The property ratings on ApartmentHomeLiving.com are created using a 5-star scale that includes average renter review scores combined with building ratings to determine an overall blended property score.

    Building ratings are based on a community’s features, including the building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. To learn more about the CoStar Building Rating System, refer to our official guidelines here.
    • If I could,give a zero I would

      January 30, 2018
      Place very old and everything g outdated and breaks. Very dirty and infested with roaches, bedbugs, mice, rats, squirrels and yes, even raccoons. Lots of losers here, drug activity, needles,and baggies on the side grounds for the kids, littered, breaking, and squatters. Maintenance? Not even a joke...no such thing. I have three pages of necessary repairs for two years still not fixed. No security and people break in and steal including the landlords,workers. I know, got the old maintenance ...
      crew on camera and my rent checks deposited into a personal account several times., STAY AWAY!!! security non refundable and they continue billing you and threaten to sue you all the time. Also, Westville fire chief and bldg inspector trying to shut down. To many broken pipes, floods. Electrical problems, etc.
      Read More
      Review from Apartments.com
    • start a life

      July 26, 2015
      if you want to live some where good you come to new jersey your kids will be borded but at lease they can play out side injoy the fresh air and live life free,you have nice neighbors that meet and greet you with a smile you get your mail on time and the cops are not mean the pets are even nices out here ,you live the life you always wanted to live an your kids are safe the schools are even better and the food is good,you have clean parks and the kids play together and everybody gets alone and ...
      that is start over the end
      Read More
      Review from Apartments.com

    Nearby Schools

    Parkview Elementary School

    Westville Boro Public
    101 Birch Avenue
    Public School - Grades PK-6 (327 Students)
    In Attendance Zone1 minute drive / 0.4 miles away

    Gateway Reg High School

    Gateway Regional
    775 Tanyard Road
    Public School - Grades 7-12 (849 Students)
    In Attendance Zone7 minute drive / 3.3 miles away
    School data provided by GreatSchools.
    The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

    About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

    Points of Interest

    Time and distance from West Park Apartments.

    Arts Museums and Landmarks

    260 South Broad Street
    14 minute drive / 6.71 miles away
    222 N 20th St
    15 minute drive / 7.12 miles away
    1901 Vine Street
    15 minute drive / 7.18 miles away

    Big Box and Retail

    1119 N Broad St
    2 minute drive / 0.9 miles away
    1350 N Delsea Dr
    5 minute drive / 1.89 miles away
    1408 Delsea Dr
    4 minute drive / 2.2 miles away

    Colleges and Universities

    1400 Tanyard Rd
    11 minute drive / 5.51 miles away
    200 North Broadway
    12 minute drive / 6.04 miles away
    406 Penn
    13 minute drive / 6.19 miles away


    2603 S Front St
    8 minute drive / 3.91 miles away
    16 Wolf St
    8 minute drive / 4.16 miles away
    2301 W Oregon Ave
    10 minute drive / 5.08 miles away


    Inspira Medical Center Woodbury
    509 N Broad St
    4 minute drive / 1.52 miles away
    Virtua Our Lady Of Lourdes Hospital
    1600 Haddon Avenue
    10 minute drive / 4.98 miles away
    New Hanover Regional Medical Center
    2131 S 17th St Box 9000
    10 minute drive / 5.03 miles away

    Military Bases

    6 minute drive / 3.02 miles away
    10 minute drive / 4.93 miles away

    Parks and Recreation

    11 minute drive / 5.48 miles away
    5th & Chestnut
    14 minute drive / 6.6 miles away
    200 N 6th St
    14 minute drive / 6.62 miles away

    West Park Apartments has 5 parks within 6.8 miles, including Jefferson Square Park, Independence Historical Park, Franklin Square, Bartram Gardens, and Bartram's Gardens.

    Restaurants and Dining

    630 S 4th St
    12 minute drive / 5.7 miles away
    210 West Rittenhouse Square
    14 minute drive / 6.6 miles away
    130 S. 19th Street
    14 minute drive / 6.66 miles away

    Shopping Centers

    1999 Gateway Blvd
    1 minute drive / 0.36 miles away
    1070 Delsea Dr
    1 minute drive / 0.51 miles away
    1150 N Delsea Dr
    2 minute drive / 0.91 miles away

    West Park Apartments has 5 shopping centers within 1.4 miles.

    Transit Stations

    3607 S Broad St
    8 minute drive / 3.9 miles away
    2714 S Broad St
    9 minute drive / 4.5 miles away
    10 minute drive / 4.79 miles away

    Nearby Neighborhoods

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    View Rentals

    Rental Price Ranges in the Area

    BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
    Westville Studio Apartments $1,260$1,260$1,260
    Westville 1 Bedroom Apartments $1,724$1,100$4,334
    Westville 2 Bedroom Apartments $2,220$1,395$4,867
    Westville 3 Bedroom Apartments $4,133$2,915$5,728

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