Apartments near Treasure Island in Austin, TX (729 Rentals)
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For some reason, pirates are 'in' this year. Last year it was ninjas, the year before that was...well, I'm not sure, ska bands?...but this is definitely the year of the pirate. Every girl (and a few guys) with a Johnny Depp crush seems ready to shake at the sight of a seductive swashbuckler, so who are we to argue? So if hot pirate action is what you seek, put down that bottle of Captain Morgan's, get out of your apartment for a change, and head to Treasure Island. Be forewarned - when it comes to decorations and atmosphere, Treasure Island is certainly adrift on the seas of cheese. While the skull and crossbones sign acts as a fitting X to your spot, the interior is more hip-hop than skullduggery. A tiki bar does flank the rear of the joint, although the main bar is much closer and...given the usual assortment of gyrating college easier path to navigate. Pirate hats are in short supply, but backwards ball caps are not; case in point, expect a lot of popped collars and high fives amongst the largely under-twenty-five crowd. Those aged thirty-something might feel ancient fast amongst the revelers, although the absurdly cheap drinks ($1 wells?!) might help you get over that real fast. Just don't over do it, as the no-nonsense doormen are more than happy to help you walk the plant right out the door and back into the chaos of Sixth Street.