841 Apple Blossom Way

Goldsby, OK 73093
(405) 292-4934
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841 Apple Blossom Way

841 Apple Blossom Way
Goldsby, OK 73093
(405) 292-4934
841 Apple Blossom Way in Goldsby, OK - Building Photo
4 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 1445
  • 4BR, 2BAHome
  • $2,195Price
  • 1,754Square Feet
  • Available NowAvailability

About 841 Apple Blossom Way

NEW HOMES FOR RENT! SPRING PROMOTION! 2 MONTHS FREE WITH A 12 MONTH LEASE! Located in a gated community off Redbud in Goldsby OK, within the highly sought-after Washington School District! This home features a large kitchen island with seating area and a dining room, master bathroom includes a large walk-in shower, a pocket office for all your work from home or virtual school needs. The built-in desk and bookshelf create a dedicated workspace so you can avoid using your dining room table or kitchen island as an office! This total electric home is energy star certified with energy-efficient appliances, energy star-rated insulation, and Low-E windows. Additional amenities included are: 2" faux wood blinds, ceilings fans, privacy fenced back yard, a 2-car side entry garage, and a secured community mailbox with parcel lockers included. We even take care of the lawn maintenance for the community areas and all front yards! Please call to view this home today!

841 Apple Blossom Way is located in the 73093 Zip code of Goldsby, OK.

Property Contact Info

Features and Amenities

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841 Apple Blossom Way, Goldsby, OK 73093

Frequently Asked Questions about 841 Apple Blossom Way

What type of rental is available at 841 Apple Blossom Way?

There is currently a 4 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 1,754 sq ft listed at 841 Apple Blossom Way. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 841 Apple Blossom Way?

The rental at 841 Apple Blossom Way is currently listed at $2,195.

What area of town is 841 Apple Blossom Way located in?

841 Apple Blossom Way is in the 73093 Zip Code of Goldsby, OK.

Nearby Schools

Washington High School

101 East Kerby Avenue
Public School - Grades 9-12 (353 Students)

Washington Elementary School

101 East Kerby Avenue
Public School - Grades PK-5 (565 Students)

Washington Middle School

101 East Kerby Avenue
Public School - Grades 6-8 (279 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 841 Apple Blossom Way.

Big Box and Retail

116 N Green Ave
15 minute drive / 7.08 miles away
Renaissance Dr
15 minute drive / 7.42 miles away
3501 W Main St
21 minute drive / 9.86 miles away

Colleges and Universities

660 Parrington Oval
18 minute drive / 8.64 miles away


Renaissance Dr
15 minute drive / 7.42 miles away
1724 W Lindsey St
18 minute drive / 8.54 miles away


1500 North Green Avenue
13 minute drive / 6.41 miles away
2220 Iowa Street
21 minute drive / 10.02 miles away

Shopping Centers

501-505 S Green Ave
15 minute drive / 7.25 miles away
3050 S Classen Blvd
15 minute drive / 7.4 miles away
1927-1929 S Green Ave
17 minute drive / 8.09 miles away

841 Apple Blossom Way has 5 shopping centers within 8.5 miles.

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BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
Goldsby Studio Apartments $983$575$1,250
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Goldsby 2 Bedroom Apartments $1,387$775$2,605
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Goldsby 4 Bedroom Apartments $1,800$720$2,880

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Viewing: 841 Apple Blossom Way | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 03/26/2025