1720 E 73rd St

1720 E 73rd St
Chicago, IL 60649

This property is not currently listed for rent.



1720 E 73rd St, Chicago, IL 60649

Nearby Schools

Bouchet Elementary Math & Science Academy

Chicago Public Schools
7355 South Jeffery Boulevard
Public School - Grades PK-8 (589 Students)
In Attendance Zone

South Shore Intl Col Prep High School

Chicago Public Schools
1955 East 75th Street
Public School - Grades 9-12 (543 Students)
In Attendance Zone
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 1720 E 73rd St.

Arts Museums and Landmarks

S Columbus Drive
16 minute drive / 7.85 miles away
1852 W 19th St
17 minute drive / 8.16 miles away
Millennium Park
18 minute drive / 8.77 miles away

Big Box and Retail

7600 S Stony Island Ave
1 minute drive / 0.41 miles away
7109 S Jeffery Blvd
1 minute drive / 0.45 miles away
7800 S South Chicago Ave
1 minute drive / 0.66 miles away

Colleges and Universities

5801 S Ellis Ave
4 minute drive / 2.26 miles away
9501 S. King Drive
7 minute drive / 3.27 miles away
10 West 35th Street
12 minute drive / 5.72 miles away


7530 S Stony Island Ave
1 minute drive / 0.42 miles away
7240 S Stony Island Ave
1 minute drive / 0.44 miles away
7800 S South Chicago Ave
1 minute drive / 0.66 miles away


Jackson Park Hospital
7531 S Stony Island Ave
1 minute drive / 0.35 miles away
South Shore Hospital
8012 South Crandon Avenue
2 minute drive / 0.93 miles away
The University Of Chicago Medical Center
5841 South Maryland
4 minute drive / 2.32 miles away


632 N. Dearborn
20 minute drive / 9.57 miles away

Parks and Recreation

1200 S Lake Shore Dr Chicago
16 minute drive / 7.49 miles away
201 East Randolph Street
18 minute drive / 8.85 miles away
600 E. Grand Avenue
19 minute drive / 9.17 miles away

1720 E 73rd St has 5 parks within 10.1 miles, including Shedd Aquarium, Millennium Park, Funhouse Maze, Wendella Boats, and Oak Street Beach.

Restaurants and Dining

649 S Clark St
17 minute drive / 8.28 miles away
200 S Halsted
19 minute drive / 8.93 miles away
1061 W Madison St.
19 minute drive / 9.23 miles away

Shopping Centers

7340-7358 S Stony Island Ave
1 minute drive / 0.35 miles away
7131-7153 S Jeffrey Blvd
1 minute drive / 0.44 miles away
7056 S Chappel Ave
1 minute drive / 0.54 miles away

1720 E 73rd St has 5 shopping centers within 0.8 miles.

Transit Stations

E 71st St & S Jeffery Blvd
1 minute drive / 0.45 miles away
S Stony Island Ave & E 71st St
1 minute drive / 0.55 miles away
S South Chicago Ave & E 75th St
2 minute drive / 0.79 miles away

Nearby Neighborhoods

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1 to 4 Bedroom Apartments from $865
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Rental Price Ranges in the Area

BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
Chicago Studio Apartments $2,107$532$10,000+
Chicago 1 Bedroom Apartments $2,646$750$10,000+
Chicago 2 Bedroom Apartments $3,336$900$10,000+
Chicago 3 Bedroom Apartments $4,007$865$10,000+
Chicago 4 Bedroom Apartments $3,097$996$10,000+
Chicago 5 Bedroom Apartments $3,942$1,500$6,200

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