18770 Broadhurst Dr

18770 Broadhurst Dr, Twain Harte, CA 95383
(209) 586-3258
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18770 Broadhurst Dr

18770 Broadhurst Dr
Twain Harte, CA 95383
(209) 586-3258
18770 Broadhurst Dr in Twain Harte, CA - Building Photo
Studio - Home for Rent
Unit 0413
  • $1,750Price
  • Available NowAvailability
  • Studio, 1BAHome

About 18770 Broadhurst Dr

Beautifully updated studio located off S Fork Rd. This unit has a spacious kitchen, large living area and open bedroom with closet as well as a bathroom with storage/laundry room attached. Unit is FULLY FURNIHSED and All utilities are included in rent. *Available for short term lease up to 6 months.* Please note the top half of the home is occasionally occupied by the property owner. Qualifications for this home include established credit and a steady source of income however a bankruptcy, foreclosure or late medical bill(s) may be considered. A co-signer or additional deposit may be OK for those not meeting the minimum requirements. Pets are OK on a case-by-case basis, per our pet policy and with an additional deposit. All premises are non-smoking premises

18770 Broadhurst Dr is located in the 95383 Zip code of Twain Harte, CA.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Office

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style

Interior Features

  • Air Conditioning

Kitchen Amenities

  • Microwave
  • Range
  • Refrigerator
Google Map


18770 Broadhurst Dr, Twain Harte, CA 95383

Frequently Asked Questions about 18770 Broadhurst Dr

What type of rental is available at 18770 Broadhurst Dr?

There is currently a 0 Bed 1 Bath Home for rent sq ft listed at 18770 Broadhurst Dr. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 18770 Broadhurst Dr?

The rental at 18770 Broadhurst Dr is currently listed at $1,750.

What area of town is 18770 Broadhurst Dr located in?

18770 Broadhurst Dr is in the 95383 Zip Code of Twain Harte, CA.

Nearby Schools

Twain Harte

Twain Harte
18815 Manzanita Drive
Public School - Grades K-8 (254 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 18770 Broadhurst Dr.

Big Box and RetailAddressDriveDistance
Safeway1291 Sanguinetti Rd19 min9.1 mi
Staples1171 Sanguinetti Rd19 min9.2 mi
Lowe's120 Old Wards Ferry Rd20 min9.4 mi
Safeway1291 Sanguinetti Rd19 min9.1 mi
Adventist Health Sonora1000 Greenley Road19 min9.3 mi
Shopping CentersAddressDriveDistance
Twain Harte Village18711 Tiffeni Dr2 min0.9 mi
The Junction13775 Mono Way3 min1.0 mi
Timberhills Shopping Center1005-1075 Mono Way19 min9.2 mi

18770 Broadhurst Dr has 3 shopping centers within 9.0 miles.

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BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
Twain Harte Studio Apartments $1,210$1,125$1,295
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Twain Harte 2 Bedroom Apartments $1,945$1,420$8,523
Twain Harte 3 Bedroom Apartments $2,239$1,725$2,800

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Viewing: 18770 Broadhurst Dr | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 12/16/2024