18830 Blythe Way

Cottonwood, CA 96022
(530) 241-3500
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18830 Blythe Way

18830 Blythe Way
Cottonwood, CA 96022
(530) 241-3500
18830 Blythe Way in Cottonwood, CA - Building Photo
3 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 1037
  • 3BR, 2.5BAHome
  • $2,850Price
  • 1,960Square Feet
  • 04-01-2025Availability

About 18830 Blythe Way

What a great country home on 3.5 beautiful acres! 1,960 square feet of open living space in a split floor plan design gives this home a real sense of space and room to breathe on the inside, while on the outside, an immense wrap-around deck peers out over an expansive lawn that stretches out to the edge of the property where it's met with miles of trees that draw your gaze out to distant mountain ranges, filling your quiet evenings spent on the deck with tranquil majesty. A 3 car garage, landscaping service, a whole house fan, a kitchen island, a wood stove, a soaking tub in the master bath and more are all just icing on this extremely desirable countryside cake, so apply fast! Pets are considered on a case by case basis. Renters insurance and a credit score of at least 650 are required.

18830 Blythe Way is located in the 96022 Zip code of Cottonwood, CA.

Property Contact Info

Contact: The Hignell Companies

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style

Kitchen Amenities

  • Dishwasher
Google Map


18830 Blythe Way, Cottonwood, CA 96022

Frequently Asked Questions about 18830 Blythe Way

What type of rental is available at 18830 Blythe Way?

There is currently a 3 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 1,960 sq ft listed at 18830 Blythe Way. It is Available April 1, 2025.

How much is the rent at 18830 Blythe Way?

The rental at 18830 Blythe Way is currently listed at $2,850.

What area of town is 18830 Blythe Way located in?

18830 Blythe Way is in the 96022 Zip Code of Cottonwood, CA.

Nearby Schools

Red Bluff High

Red Bluff Joint Union High
1260 Union Street
Public School - Grades 9-12 (1618 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 18830 Blythe Way.

Shopping Centers

20633 Gas Point Rd
7 minute drive / 3.38 miles away
5000 Rhonda Rd
13 minute drive / 6.33 miles away
1699-1785 State Highway 273
14 minute drive / 6.63 miles away

18830 Blythe Way has 5 shopping centers within 8.1 miles.

Rental Price Ranges in the Area

BedroomAverage RentCheapest RentHighest Rent
Cottonwood Studio Apartments $695$695$695
Cottonwood 1 Bedroom Apartments $1,255$369$1,958
Cottonwood 2 Bedroom Apartments $1,514$430$2,148
Cottonwood 3 Bedroom Apartments $1,706$498$2,344

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Viewing: 18830 Blythe Way | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 02/05/2025