1936 Bond St

Snyder, TX 79549
(325) 242-7265
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1936 Bond St

1936 Bond St
Snyder, TX 79549
(325) 242-7265
1936 Bond St in Snyder, TX - Building Photo
1 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit B-103
  • 1BR, 1BAHome
  • $1,050Price
  • 480Square Feet
  • Available NowAvailability

About 1936 Bond St

This cozy tiny home is perfect for one or two people. It features a bedroom, bathroom/laundry room, kitchen, and living room. The home is fully furnished and includes all appliances. It is located in a peaceful property out in the county. It has a lofted bedroom, a bathroom with a tub, shower, and stackable washer and dryer, a kitchen with a stove, oven, refrigerator, microwave, and dining room table. Living room with a couch and loveseat, The home also has a deck for enjoying some relaxation outside. The rent for the tiny home is $1,050 per month. Utilities are not included. There is a one-month security deposit.

1936 Bond St is located in the 79549 Zip code of Snyder, TX.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Five16 Property Management

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style
Google Map


1936 Bond St, Snyder, TX 79549

Frequently Asked Questions about 1936 Bond St

What type of rental is available at 1936 Bond St?

There is currently a 1 Bed 1 Bath Home for rent with 480 sq ft listed at 1936 Bond St. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 1936 Bond St?

The rental at 1936 Bond St is currently listed at $1,050.

What area of town is 1936 Bond St located in?

1936 Bond St is in the 79549 Zip Code of Snyder, TX.

Nearby Schools

Snyder High School

Snyder Independent
3801 Austin Avenue
Public School - Grades 8-12 (709 Students)

Snyder Primary School

Snyder Independent
3601 El Paso Avenue
Public School - Grades PK-3 (895 Students)

Snyder Intermediate School

Snyder Independent
3600 El Paso Avenue
Public School - Grades 4-5 (362 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 1936 Bond St.

Big Box and Retail

3212 College Ave
8 minute drive / 3.99 miles away


Cogdell Memorial Hospital
1700 Cogdell Blvd
8 minute drive / 4.12 miles away

Shopping Centers

1899 30th St
8 minute drive / 3.91 miles away
5110 College Ave
8 minute drive / 4.13 miles away
4000 College Ave
8 minute drive / 4.13 miles away

1936 Bond St has 3 shopping centers within 4.1 miles.

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Snyder 3 Bedroom Apartments $1,603$1,200$2,325

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Viewing: 1936 Bond St | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 03/25/2025