242 N 2000 W

West Point, UT 84015
(801) 546-1770
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242 N 2000 W

242 N 2000 W
West Point, UT 84015
(801) 546-1770
242 N 2000 W in West Point, UT - Building Photo
3 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 3212-01
  • 3BR, 2BAHome
  • $1,950Price
  • 2,400Square Feet
  • Available NowAvailability

About 242 N 2000 W

This Property is managed by Real Property Management Northern Utah Check out this 1970 split level home with 2,400 sq ft, this house has plenty of room. This is a three-bedroom, two bath, & two car garage single-family home. When you walk into the house, you’ll find the stairs that take you to the three bedrooms and a full bath, take the stairs up to the second floor to find a huge living room with large windows looking facing west, the house has lots of natural light. Behind the living room is the open kitchen and dining room. The sliding glass door takes you out to a large deck that runs the length of the house. The home comes with refrigerator, dishwasher, disposal, stove/oven. The house is heated in the winter by a gas furnace. Baseboard heaters in the downstairs bedrooms, home includes central air. Two bedrooms on the second floor have been converted into a huge family room, with a wood-burning stove in the corner. Rent: $1,950 Deposit: $2,200 ($250 nonrefundable leasing fee) Tenants pay all utilities NO PETS NO SMOKING OR VAPING. TO SCHEDULE A SELF GUIDED TOUR PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK: *** Additional Charges: *Tenant Benefit Package $50/month: Includes 24/7 maintenance hotline, identity theft protection, credit reporting for your largest monthly expenses - rent, online account management, and the Property Damage Loss Waiver. Any additional renter's insurance may be secured at the tenant’s own expense and is not mandatory. Tenant benefit package is for up to 2 adults on the lease, each additional adult is $10 a month. **If an applicant requires a Cosigner, the Benefits package is for tenants living in the property, any cosigner is an additional $10/month. ***The information contained in this advertisement is subject to change. The terms of any lease, should you execute a lease with RPM, are found solely in the Lease Agreement itself, along with any applicable addenda. Situations that may affect change include but are not limited to an applicant's credit rating which may affect the required security deposit amount, and new information provided to us regarding a unit that we did not know at the time we placed this advertisement. ***

242 N 2000 W is located in the 84015 Zip code of West Point, UT.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Real

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style

Kitchen Amenities

  • Dishwasher
Google Map


242 N 2000 W, West Point, UT 84015

Frequently Asked Questions about 242 N 2000 W

What type of rental is available at 242 N 2000 W?

There is currently a 3 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 2,400 sq ft listed at 242 N 2000 W. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 242 N 2000 W?

The rental at 242 N 2000 W is currently listed at $1,950.

What area of town is 242 N 2000 W located in?

242 N 2000 W is in the 84015 Zip Code of West Point, UT.

Nearby Schools

West Point Jr High

Davis District
2775 West 550 North
Public School - Grades 7-9 (1469 Students)

Syracuse High

Davis District
665 South 2000 West
Public School - Grades 1-12 (2452 Students)

Lakeside School

Davis District
2941 W 800 N
Public School - Grades PK-6 (842 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 242 N 2000 W.

Big Box and Retail

1962 W 1800 N
4 minute drive / 1.42 miles away
1814 W 1800 N
4 minute drive / 1.48 miles away
816 W 1700 S
4 minute drive / 2.31 miles away

Colleges and Universities

3850 Dixon Parkway Dr.
16 minute drive / 7.89 miles away


Winco Foods
205 W 12th St
20 minute drive / 9.38 miles away


1600 West Antelope Drive
8 minute drive / 3.98 miles away
5475 South 500 East
12 minute drive / 5.62 miles away
201 West Layton Parkway
14 minute drive / 6.61 miles away

Military Bases

8 minute drive / 3.74 miles away
11 minute drive / 5.19 miles away
12 minute drive / 5.91 miles away

Shopping Centers

300 N 2000 W
1 minute drive / 0.44 miles away
1000 W 300 N
2 minute drive / 0.78 miles away
1803 W 1800 N
3 minute drive / 1.33 miles away

242 N 2000 W has 5 shopping centers within 1.5 miles.

Transit Stations

6 minute drive / 2.96 miles away
10 minute drive / 4.88 miles away
14 minute drive / 6.61 miles away

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Viewing: 242 N 2000 W | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 03/10/2025