299 Smith Rd

Sedona, AZ 86336
(928) 282-7109
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299 Smith Rd

299 Smith Rd
Sedona, AZ 86336
(928) 282-7109
299 Smith Rd in Sedona, AZ - Building Photo
3 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 748
  • 3BR, 2BAHome
  • $3,500Price
  • 1,800Square Feet
  • Available NowAvailability

About 299 Smith Rd

NO SUBLETTING. Corporations, please do not call and ask if you can lease this property in order to sublet it as a vacation rental. A complete remodel of this home has just been completed in September, 2024. It will be just like moving into a newly constructed residence, all is new from top to bottom. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, large great room with fireplace and vaulted/beamed ceilings and dining area. Gorgeous kitchen with granite tops, stainless appliances and a large corner pantry. All new luxury vinyl plank flooring throughout, drop down custom blinds and full sized stack washer/dryer. Detached single car garage. Panoramic red rock views, and the property is just around the corner from the soon to be completed Forest Road Bypass, so getting to and from the home will be quick and easy without traffic. Small pets negotiable, no smoking, and good credit and verifiable income are required to apply. Agent must accompany on all showings, please call Sedona Rentals to schedule:

299 Smith Rd is located in the Uptown Sedona Neighborhood and 86336 Zip code of Sedona, AZ.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Sedona

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style

Kitchen Amenities

  • Dishwasher
Google Map


299 Smith Rd, Sedona, AZ 86336

Frequently Asked Questions about 299 Smith Rd

What type of rental is available at 299 Smith Rd?

There is currently a 3 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 1,800 sq ft listed at 299 Smith Rd. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 299 Smith Rd?

The rental at 299 Smith Rd is currently listed at $3,500.

What area of town is 299 Smith Rd located in?

Located in the Uptown Sedona Neighborhood, 299 Smith Rd is in the 86336 Zip Code of Sedona, AZ.

Nearby Schools

Mount Elden Middle School

Flagstaff Unified District
3223 North Fourth Street
Public School - Grades 6-8 (757 Students)

Manuel De Miguel Elementary School

Flagstaff Unified District
Public School - Grades PK-5 (579 Students)

Flagstaff High School

Flagstaff Unified District
400 West Elm Avenue
Public School - Grades 9-12 (1620 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 299 Smith Rd.


Whole Foods
1420 W State Route 89a
4 minute drive / 1.49 miles away

Shopping Centers

150 Highway 179
1 minute drive / 0.39 miles away
251 Hwy 179
1 minute drive / 0.42 miles away
431 Highway 179
1 minute drive / 0.64 miles away

299 Smith Rd has 5 shopping centers within 2.0 miles.

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Viewing: 299 Smith Rd | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 03/25/2025