3124 Lakeview Ave

3124 Lakeview Ave, Dayton, OH 45417
(937) 889-9097
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3124 Lakeview Ave

3124 Lakeview Ave
Dayton, OH 45417
(937) 889-9097
3124 Lakeview Ave in Dayton, OH - Building Photo
3 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 310-21
  • $1,400Price
  • Available NowAvailability
  • 3BR, 2.5BAHome
  • 2,304Square Feet

About 3124 Lakeview Ave

This is a 3-bedroom unit. Easy walking to public transit and a great neighborhood Tenant will be responsible for all utilities. All applicants must go through a tenant screening consisting of a credit check, criminal check, eviction check, and verification of employment will be required.

3124 Lakeview Ave is located in the Pineview Neighborhood and 45417 Zip code of Dayton, OH.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Agora's Maxxed Out Realty

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style

Kitchen Amenities

  • Refrigerator

Living Area Features

  • Hardwood Floors
Google Map


3124 Lakeview Ave, Dayton, OH 45417

Frequently Asked Questions about 3124 Lakeview Ave

What type of rental is available at 3124 Lakeview Ave?

There is currently a 3 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 2,304 sq ft listed at 3124 Lakeview Ave. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 3124 Lakeview Ave?

The rental at 3124 Lakeview Ave is currently listed at $1,400.

What area of town is 3124 Lakeview Ave located in?

Located in the Pineview Neighborhood, 3124 Lakeview Ave is in the 45417 Zip Code of Dayton, OH.

Nearby Schools

Westwood Pre-K-8 School

Dayton City
2805 Oakridge Drive
Public School - Grades PK-6 (360 Students)

Dunbar High School

Dayton City
1400 Albritton Dr
Public School - Grades 9-12 (496 Students)

Wogaman Pre-K-8 School

Dayton City
920 McArthur Ave
Public School - Grades 7-8 (364 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 3124 Lakeview Ave.

Big Box and RetailAddressDriveDistance
Walgreen's4121 Hoover Ave4 min1.6 mi
Meijer5858 Springboro Pike10 min5.0 mi
Walgreens4497 Far Hills Ave12 min5.7 mi
Colleges and UniversitiesAddressDriveDistance
Sinclair Community College444 West Third Street5 min2.7 mi
University of Dayton300 College Park7 min3.7 mi
Wright State University3640 Colonel Glenn Highway22 min10.4 mi
Meijer5858 Springboro Pike10 min5.0 mi
Kroger601 Woodman Dr14 min6.7 mi
Whole Foods1020 Miamisburg Centerville Rd17 min8.3 mi
Grandview And Southview Hospitals405 Grand Avenue6 min3.0 mi
Kettering Medical Center3535 Southern Boulevard9 min4.2 mi
Access Hospital Dayton2611 Wayne Avenue10 min4.7 mi
Military BasesAddressDriveDistance
Gentile Air Force Station11 min5.5 mi
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base16 min7.7 mi
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Bath24 min11.5 mi
Parks and RecreationAddressDriveDistance
Island Park101 E. Helena Street7 min3.7 mi
Deeds Point510 Webster St.8 min3.9 mi
Wegerzyn Gardens1301 E. Siebenthaler Avenue9 min4.6 mi

3124 Lakeview Ave has 3 parks within 4.5 miles, including Island Park, Deeds Point, and Wegerzyn Gardens.

Shopping CentersAddressDriveDistance
Westown Shopping Center4227-4297 W 3rd St2 min0.9 mi
Arcade Square26 S Ludlow St6 min3.0 mi
Dayton Arcade15 W 4th St6 min3.1 mi

3124 Lakeview Ave has 3 shopping centers within 2.9 miles.

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Viewing: 3124 Lakeview Ave | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 12/16/2024