331 Princess Place

Tyler, TX 75704
(903) 258-5767
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331 Princess Place

331 Princess Place
Tyler, TX 75704
(903) 258-5767
331 Princess Place in Tyler, TX - Building Photo
3 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 2815
  • 3BR, 2BAHome
  • $1,695Price
  • 1,370Square Feet
  • Available NowAvailability

About 331 Princess Place

Beautiful Duplex in the Wellington Subdivision, located across the street from the Tyler Pounds Regional Airport. The kitchen has granite counter tops and all of the flooring is gorgeous tile throughout common area and vinyl plank in the bedrooms. Backyard has a patio and is privacy fenced in. Great neighborhood and in a great location! Contact us today to schedule your personal tour, ! Virtual tours are available upon request. Located in the Tyler Independent School District, the schools are Dixie Elementary, Boulter Middle, and John Tyler High School. There is approximately 1,300 square feet of heated and cooled living space. Tenant is responsible for all utilities. Lawn care is included with rent. Please call the NWP Management & Brokerage leasing department at to schedule a showing before it’s too late! Also, you can fill out an application to view any of our properties through our website (application fees are non-refundable). Properties/Units can be held after application has been approved and security deposit has been received. *We are Pet Friendly. Providing all pertinent pet information will help increase processing time on applications. Pet deposits are fully refundable, less any lawful deductions. Aggressive breeds are not allowed, including Pit Bulls, American Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Chows, Rottweilers, Dobermans, and mixes of these breeds. If you have questions pertaining our policy on restricted breeds, please contact our leasing department. Residents with emotional support animals (ESAs) and service animals will need to provide necessary documentation. *NWP Management & Brokerage performs bi-monthly filter inspections to maintain your heating and cooling needs. This inspection comes with a new filter, HVAC preventative care, and checking your property/unit for any other maintenance issues. We value our residents and are dedicated to making your leasing experience a success. Treating our home, as your home.

331 Princess Place is located in the 75704 Zip code of Tyler, TX.

Property Contact Info

Contact: NWP Management & Brokerage

Lease Terms

  • 12

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

  • Garden Style
Google Map


331 Princess Place, Tyler, TX 75704

Frequently Asked Questions about 331 Princess Place

What type of rental is available at 331 Princess Place?

There is currently a 3 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 1,370 sq ft listed at 331 Princess Place. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 331 Princess Place?

The rental at 331 Princess Place is currently listed at $1,695.

What area of town is 331 Princess Place located in?

331 Princess Place is in the 75704 Zip Code of Tyler, TX.

Nearby Schools

Tyler High School

Tyler Independent
3535 Lion Lane
Public School - Grades 9-12 (2164 Students)

Boulter Middle

Tyler Independent
2926 Garden Valley Road
Public School - Grades 6-8 (853 Students)

Dixie Elementary School

Tyler Independent
213 Patton Lane
Public School - Grades PK-5 (616 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 331 Princess Place.

Big Box and Retail

3820 State Highway 64 W
6 minute drive / 3.22 miles away
110 S SW Loop 323
7 minute drive / 3.37 miles away
2031 W Gentry Pky
9 minute drive / 4.51 miles away

Colleges and Universities

1327 South Baxter Avenue
15 minute drive / 7.03 miles away
3900 University Blvd
19 minute drive / 9.14 miles away


La Michoacana Meat Market
310 N Beckham Ave
13 minute drive / 6.15 miles away


1814 Roseland Boulevard
13 minute drive / 6.24 miles away
1000 South Beckham Ave
13 minute drive / 6.49 miles away
800 East Dawson
13 minute drive / 6.49 miles away

Shopping Centers

3840-3872 Highway 64 W
6 minute drive / 3.1 miles away
3825 Highway 64 W
6 minute drive / 3.15 miles away
400 W Southwest Loop 323
7 minute drive / 3.46 miles away

331 Princess Place has 5 shopping centers within 3.7 miles.

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Viewing: 331 Princess Place | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 03/05/2025