427 S Bethlehem Pike

427 S Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington, PA 19034
(215) 527-7300
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427 S Bethlehem Pike in Fort Washington, PA - Building Photo

427 S Bethlehem Pike

427 S Bethlehem Pike
Fort Washington, PA 19034
(215) 527-7300
Studio - Townhome for Rent
Unit 804
  • $2,520Price
  • 01-01-2025Availability
  • Studio, 1BATownhome

About 427 S Bethlehem Pike

427 S Bethlehem Pike is located in the Conshohocken Plymouth Meeting Neighborhood and 19034 Zip code of Fort Washington, PA.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Woodbridge Property Management, LLC

Google Map


427 S Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington, PA 19034

Frequently Asked Questions about 427 S Bethlehem Pike

What type of rental is available at 427 S Bethlehem Pike?

There is currently a 0 Bed 1 Bath Townhome for rent listed at 427 S Bethlehem Pike. It is Available January 1, 2025.

How much is the rent at 427 S Bethlehem Pike?

The rental at 427 S Bethlehem Pike is currently listed at $2,520.

What area of town is 427 S Bethlehem Pike located in?

Located in the Conshohocken Plymouth Meeting Neighborhood, 427 S Bethlehem Pike is in the 19034 Zip Code of Fort Washington, PA.

Nearby Schools

Colonial Middle School

  • Colonial
  • 716 Belvoir Road
  • Public School - Grades 6-8 (1210 Students)
6out of 10

Plymouth-Whitemarsh Senior High School

  • Colonial
  • 201 E Germantown Pike
  • Public School - Grades 9-12 (1552 Students)
8out of 10

Colonial Elementary School

  • Colonial
  • 230 Flourtown Road
  • Public School - Grades 4-5 (811 Students)
7out of 10

Whitemarsh Elementary School

  • Colonial
  • 4120 Joshua Road
  • Public School - Grades K-3 (480 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 427 S Bethlehem Pike.

Big Box and RetailAddressDriveDistance
Sleepy's465 W Germantown Pike8 min4.1 mi
Macy's2500 W Moreland Rd10 min4.8 mi
Dsw2320 Chemical Rd10 min4.8 mi
Colleges and UniversitiesAddressDriveDistance
Temple University - Ambler Campus580 Meetinghouse Road5 min2.4 mi
Chesnut Hill College9601 Germantown Avenue7 min3.5 mi
Arcadia University450 S Easton Rd8 min4.0 mi
Acme Markets1640 Bethlehem Pike4 min2.0 mi
Giant Food1760 DeKalb Pike10 min5.0 mi
H-Mart1925 W Cheltenham Ave12 min5.8 mi
Brooke Glen Behavioral Hospital7170 Lafayette Avenue1 min0.2 mi
Horsham Clinic722 East Butler Pike7 min3.7 mi
Chestnut Hill Hospital8835 Germantown Ave8 min3.9 mi
Military BasesAddressDriveDistance
Willow Grove Naval Air Station12 min5.9 mi
Willow Grove Air Force Reserve Station13 min6.4 mi
Naval Air Development Center19 min9.1 mi
Parks and RecreationAddressDriveDistance
Morris Arboretum100 E Northwestern Ave7 min3.3 mi

427 S Bethlehem Pike has 1 park within 3.6 miles, including Morris Arboretum.

Shopping CentersAddressDriveDistance
Bldg A805 N Bethlehem Pike4 min1.6 mi
Flourtown Shopping Center1842 Bethlehem Pike5 min1.7 mi
Oreland Shopping Center1320-1350 Bruce Rd4 min2.1 mi

427 S Bethlehem Pike has 3 shopping centers within 2.1 miles.

Transit StationsAddressDriveDistance
Fort Washington-R57250 Summit Avenue1 min0.1 mi
Ambler-R530 South Main Street4 min1.4 mi
Oreland-R52 Park Ave4 min2.0 mi

Nearby Neighborhoods

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Fort Washington Studio Apartments $2,628$1,885$3,427
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Fort Washington 2 Bedroom Apartments $3,103$973$6,052
Fort Washington 3 Bedroom Apartments $3,303$2,795$3,445

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Viewing: 427 S Bethlehem Pike | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 12/11/2024