710 Rookery Ln

Bozeman, MT 59718
(406) 585-1775
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710 Rookery Ln

710 Rookery Ln
Bozeman, MT 59718
(406) 585-1775
710 Rookery Ln in Bozeman, MT - Building Photo
3 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 1501
  • 3BR, 3BAHome
  • $2,950Price
  • 2,046Square Feet
  • 03-15-2025Availability

About 710 Rookery Ln

Smart, innovative, versatile design. Fantastic unit with highly desired location in Bozeman! This location offers a quick and easy commute to shopping, restaurants and all Bozeman has to offer. Open concept living space; finished with exceptional quality materials, you will enjoy the large living areas, including a luxurious kitchen equipped with granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and LVT Flooring with real wood trim. All the rooms have abundant natural light with large windows. No Smoking and No Pets allowed on premises. 3 Bedrooms 2.5 Bathrooms No Garage No Pets Considered one of the country’s most livable places, Bozeman, Montana is known for its fly fishing, mountainous hikes, mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, and more adventurous activities. With Montana University in its boundaries, its proximity to Yellowstone National Park, and its access to popular ski areas, Bozeman is the go-to place for adventure and exploration in Montana. With a wide range of apartment and condo rentals in the area, there’s something for everyone. Bozeman offers a wonderfully diverse cultural and artistic experience to its residents and visitors alike. Art galleries and museums are spread throughout the city, including the Museum of the Rockies, Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture, and many more.

710 Rookery Ln is located in the 59718 Zip code of Bozeman, MT.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Rental Professionals

Features and Amenities

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710 Rookery Ln, Bozeman, MT 59718

Frequently Asked Questions about 710 Rookery Ln

What type of rental is available at 710 Rookery Ln?

There is currently a 3 Bed 3 Bath Home for rent with 2,046 sq ft listed at 710 Rookery Ln. It is Available March 15, 2025.

How much is the rent at 710 Rookery Ln?

The rental at 710 Rookery Ln is currently listed at $2,950.

What area of town is 710 Rookery Ln located in?

710 Rookery Ln is in the 59718 Zip Code of Bozeman, MT.

Nearby Schools

Meadowlark Elementary

Bozeman Elementary
4415 Durston Road
Public School - Grades PK-5 (495 Students)

Bozeman High School

Bozeman High School
205 North 11th Avenue
Public School - Grades 9-12 (1280 Students)

Chief Joseph Middle School

Bozeman Elementary
4255 Kimberwicke Street
Public School - Grades 6-8 (752 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 710 Rookery Ln.

Big Box and Retail

2825 W Main St
5 minute drive / 1.94 miles away
981 S 29th Ave
4 minute drive / 2.16 miles away
2975 Max Ave
4 minute drive / 2.31 miles away

Colleges and Universities

100 Culbertson Hall
7 minute drive / 3.3 miles away


901 W Main St
6 minute drive / 2.99 miles away
6999 Jackrabbit Ln
14 minute drive / 6.77 miles away


Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital
915 Highland Blvd
10 minute drive / 4.68 miles away

Shopping Centers

TBD N Cottonwood Rd
2 minute drive / 0.75 miles away
2825 W Main St
5 minute drive / 1.93 miles away
2826 W Main
4 minute drive / 2.16 miles away

710 Rookery Ln has 5 shopping centers within 2.2 miles.

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Viewing: 710 Rookery Ln | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 03/13/2025