I wanted to take a few minutes to remind you of a couple of things to keep in mind regarding your trusty old computer. This video is a hilarious animation of a computer that has been completely taken over by a virus like animation, but none the less must be a result of an Apartment-ite with a ton of time on their hands.

Living in apartments opens us up to a ton of free time. My advice is not to waste it. Whether your hobby is music, video making, animation, photography, or collecting stamps…use that free time to do it. The freedom we have as apartment residents is a wonderful thing and if you don’t get the most out of it, you may regret it when that free time is gone.

So get off your couch and get to creating! Put your Apartment time to good use…like the animator of this video did.

Oh yeah! About your computers…3 Tips:

1) Defrag and scan for virus often- You should schedule a virus scan at least once a week to make sure you are running clean. Defrag your computer over night once every couple of months.

2) Surge Protect- be sure that your computer, monitor, and printer are all plugged into a surge protector and not directly into the wall. A sudden power failure is less likely to damage your computer this way.

3) DON’T CLICK- Do NOT CLICK POP UPS. Also…don’t click on or open emails that you do not know who they are from. Anything that looks suspicious probably is. Just be careful of stuff like that and don’t give out your password information to anyone…no matter how many times they tell you they are from AOL security or whatever. If they truly are, they will ask you other questions to verify your identity like billing zip code, mother’s maiden name, etc.

So there you have it! A couple of quick tips to take care of your computer in your apartment. Have a great weekend and see you next week!