A Really Big Reason To Keep Your Apartment In Good Shape

There are a number of reasons to keep your apartment clean and in tip-top shape. You may want to impress guests or release that a messy apartment reflects a messy person...and noone wants to be known as that.

Perhaps it's keeping away the bugs and the smell....ewww! Whatever your reason is for keeping your place clean, remember how important it is to do so. A clean apartment is a happy apartment.

One really BIG reason to keep your place scrubbed and dust free is not thought about very often. Most residence aren't thinking this far in advance, but if you ever plan on moving out of the apartment, you will be required to scrub that puppy like it was brand-spankin' new in order to face losing out on your deposit and not being charged for leaving the apartment in bad shape.

Upon move-out, you'll be asked to do things like clean the fridge, oven, light fixtures, windows, sills, microwave, and all bathroom utilities. You may be charged for leaving any trash or junk in the apartment upon move out. If anything is broken like your mirrors, jacks, walls, etc....you will also be charged for those items

On top of that you have the carpet to consider. KEEP IT VACUUMED. A clean, vacuumed carpet is a carpet with less worries than a stained, tracked on old turf that may have to be replaced...at your cost.

I know no-one ever likes to think about moving, but if you wait until the last minute to do all the cleaning...you will have a lot of headaches....as well...as you may have some cost to your pocket. My advice would be to keep things clean throughout the entire lease and take the time to take care of the home you are renting from someone else....

Again...a clean apartment is a happy apartment!