Apartment Living Room Campout

A quick, cheap, and easy way to have fun in your apartment!

It may be a little cold to head over to the state park or the national forest, pitch the tent and tell ghost stories by the fire, but if you love camping there's ways around that. Why not do it in your living room?

Move the furniture out of the way, turn down the lights, set up the tent (NO STAKES) in the living room and pretend you are in the great beyond! Stream a campfire video from the web or your favorite streaming service on the TV. You'll have to cheat a bit and cook your beans on the stove your kitchen, but you can always pretend.

Bottom line is improvising and having a "camping trip" in your living room can be a lot of fun when the real deal isn't an option. Give it a shot the next time you are itching to bust out the sleeping bags.

Have fun!