Looking for ways to save on energy bills in your apartment? Well you are in luck because we always have a few tricks to share with you. The next time you are thinking about cutting down on your energy bill, think about these quick tips:
Foil on the windows doesn't look great. We know this to be true. Many communities may not even allow you to do this, but there is a benefit to doing it during the hot months. Placing foil over your windows can help reflect the sun and keep your apartment cooler. It's not optimal looking, but it can certainly help for optimal electricity bills.
It won't leave you with much of a view when looking out of your apartment window, but it may help you see a difference in your energy bill. Just be sure to check with your community to make sure this would be allowed before you go covering all of your windows.
If the foil trick won't work, another easy way to conserve on energy in your place is to be sure to turn all of your lights out when you won't be in your apartment. Kick up the AC to a level where it won't be running while you are gone, and turn off your fans. When you aren't using your computer, put it into hibernate or sleep mode, and use lamps rather than overhead lights. Leave a TV on to keep the dog company? Try turning it off and playing music on Alexa instead. All of these obvious, yet energy saving techniques combined with show you a huge difference in your energy bill!
You should also head to Wal-Mart, Target, or any other superstore to pick up LED bulbs. Replace all of the traditional bulbs in your lamps with these energy savers for much less energy consumption. It makes a staggering difference.
This quick apartment energy tip brought to you by Apartment Home Living!