We all want our apartment to stand out from the run of the mill places that can be drab and a bore. Adding colorful and unique patterns throughout your humble abode will bode well with those who judge you by your apartment style.
If decoration and style is a key to your apartment happiness, how can it be achieved on a modest budget? Okay, I guess there's no need to sugar coat this. How can you make your apartment decoration rock and keep things cheap?
Easy. The key is in using a cheap material: PAPER!
There are several really awesome decorating ideas that can be accomplished through the use of paper products, so check it out!
Wrapping Paper- Go to the store and pick up a few rolls of wrapping paper that matches your apartment color scheme, as well as have some really great patterns that you enjoy. At this point you are at most, $20 out. There are several sweet things you can do with these, beyond just wrapping presents!
You could start by covering and gluing some of that paper around a cheap lamp shade to give it some flair. Then you could wrap a few art canvas, old record covers, or empty frames in various matching sections of the wrapping paper and hang those on your wall. For accents, you could cover or cut small patterns of paper to place on books, vases, candle holders, or other accessories that match your theme.
Frame It- Whether its wrapping paper or some sheets of other kinds of paper. It can be highly impacting to throw a frame around them and then center them on a wall. You don't even have to use fancy patterns to make this interesting and a home version of modern art!
Create a Centerpiece- Those simple clear glass vases that you put flowers in can become wonderful looking centerpieces, by simply adding the cheap ingredient of paper as a wrap around the glass. Double sided scotch tape works perfectly for attaching the paper to the glass.
Who would have ever thought that paper would make the perfect decorating material? And the best part of all is that its affordable. Just be careful not to tear it, but if you do...it's always easy to replace!