The whole world is going green. Which is great because it may be necessary to do that for the whole world to continue existing. UK based Greenbottle has developed a biodegradable milk carton, made of recycled card board and a bio-degradable plastic inner liner made from corn starch. Recycling solutions like this are popping up everywhere!
Many cities are now requiring apartment communities with more than a certain number of units to offer recycling service. Check out your city's Solid Waste Services Department website to find out more about recycling in your area.
I bet you have a bunch of junk laying around your apartment that you've been scared to trash, but don't really know how the heck to get rid of it. I've found a few tips on getting rid of these common items that just make clutter.
Cell Phones
Because they may contain bromide, lead, mercury, and other environmentally hazardous materials, Cell phones should not be disposed of in the garbage. Instead, do something more than just recycle them. Donate them to a cause like The Wireless Foundation's Call To Protect program. Also, at most wireless carrier's retail centers, they offer to take in abandoned phones...and I'm sure they find them appropriate homes.....or resting places if its as bad a phone as some of my old ones....
Coat Hangers
I find these things everywhere around my place. Why do I have coat hangers in the kitchen?!? Who knows? The important thing to remember in this situation, is that there are just too many of them, so it's imperative that I get rid of a few. Sure, they can be thrown away, but that leads them to go sit for years in some landfill. The best way to get rid of old coat hangers is to donate them to Goodwill, Salvation Army, or even your local dry cleaner to reuse. Not only will you free up some closet space, but you'll also be saving the environment one hanger at a time. *Keep a wire coat hanger in the trunk of your car. You never know when a friend may lock their keys in their car.*
What's a computer? Ha! Right. Like I wouldn't know what a computer was. Psh. Old desktop computer lying around taking up space and taunting you as it collects dust. Don't let it control your life. You can't trash it, but you can reuse it. Throw a blanket over it and use it as a night stand or use it as a step stool in the closet. You can also donate them to a number of worthy and very capable hands that will more than happily dispose of it. Some companies will even let you trade in your old computer towards the purchase of a new one!
Cooking Oil
Been draining all of your grease and cooking oil into an old tin coffee jar? Disposing of it is easy. Mix it with kitty litter, double bag it, and throw it in the trash. Easy!
After finding out how to get rid of that stuff, I am a little bit closer to having a completely clutter free apartment. Hopefully, this will help you be on your way too.