Are you tired of looking at the boring, generic window shades that came standard with your apartments? Well, cover them up with some really fun and inexpensive curtains.
Here's an easy guide on setting yourself up with a cheap and easy curtain:
- Measure the height and width of the window you're trying to cover.
- Go outside or to a local park and find a strong branch that extends just a couple of inches longer than the width of your window. This will be your curtain rod. Natural and fun! (Cost: Free)
- Hit up your local hardware store to pick up two curtain rod rings that can fit the branch. (Cost: $2-5)
- Stop by a fabric store and pick up a piece of fabric three to five inches taller than your window. (Cost: Varies)
- Attach the two rings above the window using a screwdriver and the appropriate screws.
- Fold the extra fabric over the branch and sew or pin the fabric to itself to secure it to the branch.
- Place the ends of the branched curtain into the curtain rings and voila!

It's as easy as that. The best part is that you probably won't spend more than $10!
You might also try cutting the curtain straight up the middle to create a split when you'd like to open it. You can do many variations to make these curtains match your tastes perfectly, so try different things to figure out what works best for you.