Top Decorating Tips For Your Apartment

If your place looks good, you feel good. It's as simple as that.

We've posted a few articles on lavishizing your place, but I wanted to post a few more apartment friendly decorating ideas on making your digs a little less bare and a lot more lavish.

Check it. Here are the facts:

Paint, Paint, Paint- At Apartment Home Living we can't stress this enough. PAINT! (If you can). Be sure to check with your management to be sure that it is okay for you to paint and then make a visit to your nearest painting supply store.

No Painting?- If you absolutely cannot paint, there are some alternatives to add some color to your place without the paint. Get a huge canvas, a few pieces of plywood, butcher paper, or other fabric. Paint them and then either attach them to or lean them against your walls. If you paint them strong vibrant colors, you will add a ton of color and won't have to repaint your walls before you move out!

You could also decorate using old colorful clothes or fabrics that you drape about the apartment. You would truly be accenting with color

Lighting- Another really easy way to add a little color is by using colorful lighting. Creative lighting can bring cool shadows, bring out the vibrancy in the colors of things that are illuminated, as well as add its own color. Try using colorful bulbs and track lighting or on a multi-bulb floor lamp.

Lighting is one of the coolest...well...funnest way to get creative in your apartment and there are tons and tons of ways to get creative with lighting. Check back tomorrow for tips on decorating with lighting!

IMPORTANT- Remember not to damage your apartment in any way and be careful with any tools that you may use around your apartment. If you put holes in or damage the apartment you may be liable to cover the cost of that damage when you move out. So just use caution when working on your place, but always...always have fun.