Moving On Up To A Deluxe Apartment: Tips On Adjusting From A Small Town To Big City Living

Moving from a small town to a big city is an exciting new adventure that can really open your eyes to a varying number of surprising new things that you might need to adjust to.

Cliché as it may be, this move will have a person truly become a “small fish in a big pond.” And in some cases in some cities…that pond can even be more like an ocean!

Whether going from a very small town with less than 5,000 people or from a larger small city with 50,000 people, a person will face challenges that they’ll have likely had very limited exposure to.

Traffic Gone Crazy- Ugh. If a three or four car pile-up at an intersection on the downtown square while Mr. Johnson walks his dog across the street is what you would call “traffic,” you’re in for a huge surprise. Big city driving is a whole different story. Two important things to always keep in mind when driving through the city is to not be a scared driver and don’t drive angry. If you feel yourself getting agitated by the seemingly terrible driving around you…just breathe and tell yourself to relax because it’s out of your control.

You’ll run into many, many more vehicles, especially in rush hours. More than likely your commute to and from work or school will introduce you to massive congestion at stop lights and on the highways. Sometimes you may even sit on a highway barely moving at 5 MPH for an hour or so and never find out why everyone was going that slow in the first place. Remember…just breathe.

Distance is Skewed- In a big city, saying something is “around the corner” or “down the street” can mean anything from 5 to 30 or even 40 minutes away…without traffic. You’ll also want to be aware when driving through the downtown areas many of the streets are only one way. As long as you pay good attention, you should be okay.

So Much to Do, So Little Time- Suddenly, you’ll find nearly limitless options for food and entertainment. There are shopping centers on almost every corner with restaurants, bars, coffee shops, grocery stores, retail stores, and anything you’ll ever imagine that you need. No longer will you have to drive to the next town over to get some milk or eggs. All you’ll have to do is drive 5 minutes, “right around the corner,” to the nearest grocery or corner store.

Along with the many, many options for shopping and dining you’ll find in a big city, your choices for entertainment will also be plentiful. You may find it hard to be bored with an always growing number of things to do including bowling allies, parks, putt-putt golf courses, regular golf courses, movie theaters, game centers, clubs, bars, and lounges.

The Law: To Protect and Serve- Along with many, many more citizens, the call for the law increases as well. As long as you remember that if you aren’t breaking any laws and continue to try and uphold yourself as a law abiding citizen, these folks are on your side. Also remember though, you are now a small fish in a vast ocean, so being the High School Quarterback or the city’s giving philanthropist, will NOT get you out of a ticket.

Moving to a big city requires patience to adjust and an open mind to take in the changes. No matter what city it is, having your own apartment in a fun-fast paced city can be a really, really exciting move.