3027 Curry Ln

3027 Curry Ln, Abilene, TX 79605
(325) 721-1918
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3027 Curry Ln

3027 Curry Ln
Abilene, TX 79605
(325) 721-1918
3027 Curry Ln in Abilene, TX - Building Photo
2 Bedroom - Townhome for Rent
  • $1,425Price
  • Available NowAvailability
  • 2BR, 2BATownhome
  • 2,191Square Feet

About 3027 Curry Ln

Find out about this perfect rental property in Abilene, TX. This 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhome is located at 3027 Curry Ln in Abilene, with a number of shops and restaurants in the surrounding 79605 area. School options in the area include Jackson Elementary School, Madison Middle, Academy For Technology Engineering, and Cooper High School.

If you're looking for a space with a little extra room for two, then you will likely find this 2 bedroom a nice choice. So what are you waiting for? Get a head start on your move. Come check out this available home option. Contact us now!

Description created using real-time rental pricing and availability.

3027 Curry Ln is located in the 79605 Zip code of Abilene, TX.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Jamie Arnold

Features and Amenities

Kitchen Amenities

  • Dishwasher

Pet Policy

  • No Pets Allowed
Google Map


3027 Curry Ln, Abilene, TX 79605

Frequently Asked Questions about 3027 Curry Ln

What type of rental is available at 3027 Curry Ln?

There is currently a 2 Bed 2 Bath Townhome for rent with 2,191 sq ft listed at 3027 Curry Ln. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 3027 Curry Ln?

The rental at 3027 Curry Ln is currently listed at $1,425.

What area of town is 3027 Curry Ln located in?

3027 Curry Ln is in the 79605 Zip Code of Abilene, TX.

Nearby Schools

Cooper High School

Abilene Independent
3639 Sayles Boulevard
Public School - Grades 9-12 (1716 Students)

Madison Middle

Abilene Independent
3145 Barrow Street
Public School - Grades 6-8 (785 Students)

Jackson Elementary School

Abilene Independent
2650 South 32nd Street
Public School - Grades PK-5 (451 Students)

Academy For Technology Engineering

Abilene Independent
Public School - Grades 9-12 (372 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 3027 Curry Ln.

Big Box and RetailAddressDriveDistance
Target3710 Ridgemont Dr1 min0.5 mi
Autozone3373 S Treadaway Blvd3 min1.1 mi
Kohl's4757 Southwest Dr4 min1.6 mi
Colleges and UniversitiesAddressDriveDistance
Hardin-Simmons University2200 Hickory10 min5.1 mi
Abilene Christian University1600 Campus Court11 min5.3 mi
Heb1345 Barrow St5 min1.9 mi
United Supermarkets920 N Willis St7 min3.7 mi
Abilene Regional Medical Center6250 Hwy 83/845 min2.4 mi
Oceans Behavioral Hospital Of Abilene6401 Directors Parkway5 min2.5 mi
Hendrick Medical Center1900 Pine10 min4.9 mi
Shopping CentersAddressDriveDistance
Redbud Plaza4090 S Danville Dr1 min0.1 mi
ADE Building4133-4142 S Danville Dr1 min0.1 mi
Abilene Village3329 Turner Dr1 min0.3 mi

3027 Curry Ln has 3 shopping centers within 0.5 miles.

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Viewing: 3027 Curry Ln | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 12/23/2024