950 Southline Dr

950 Southline Dr, Lebanon, OH 45036
(513) 800-1099
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950 Southline Dr

950 Southline Dr
Lebanon, OH 45036
(513) 800-1099
950 Southline Dr in Lebanon, OH - Building Photo
4 Bedroom - Home for Rent
Unit 4B
  • $6,500Price
  • Available NowAvailability
  • 4BR, 2.5BAHome
  • 2,580Square Feet

About 950 Southline Dr

This Beautiful newly built attached home is located in Lebanon, Ohio This property is a perfect corporate rental or seasonal rental If you are looking for a quiet place to relax then book today! Close in proximity to the Golden Lamb Inn, Caesar Creek State Park, and Kings Island. Downtown Cincinnati is 30 miles away - Downtown Dayton is 28 miles away. When you walk in the front door you will be greeted by a large living space, dining area and kitchen (with your most needed appliances). Relax and unwind in front of the large smart TV, or cook up a tasty meal with our brand new stainless steel appliances, including an LG refrigerator that features a "craft icemaker" for your old-fashioned or just straight up bourbon! Down the hall from the kitchen you will find a large pantry, a half bathroom, and a laundry room with full-size washer and dryer. If you peek in the closet you will find the iron, ironing board, detergent, dryer sheets and cleaning supplies. There are two bedrooms on the main floor which require no steps! The double bedroom with small closet is directly to the left when you enter the home. The master suite with king bed, smart TV, walk-in closet, and walk-in shower are located at the back of the home. Up a larger flight of carpeted steps you will walk-into the room that you can work and play in! During work hours, we have a large desk and comfortable chair to so you can get down to business. After the sun goes down, enjoy TV on the large smart TV and play a game of pool. There are two bedrooms located on the second floor along with a full bathroom with a shower/tub combination. The queen bedroom has a dresser and closet. The king bedroom has a smart TV and closet. This is a newly constructed home, so no grass is growing yet. We ask that you please take your shoes off before entering the home as to not track dirt. As well, we would prefer no usage of the patio as it's also dirt/mud back there. Thank you for your understanding.

950 Southline Dr is located in the Outer Warren County Neighborhood and 45036 Zip code of Lebanon, OH.

Property Contact Info

Contact: Plum

Features and Amenities

On-Site Services

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950 Southline Dr, Lebanon, OH 45036

Frequently Asked Questions about 950 Southline Dr

What type of rental is available at 950 Southline Dr?

There is currently a 4 Bed 2 Bath Home for rent with 2,580 sq ft listed at 950 Southline Dr. It is Available Now.

How much is the rent at 950 Southline Dr?

The rental at 950 Southline Dr is currently listed at $6,500.

What area of town is 950 Southline Dr located in?

Located in the Outer Warren County Neighborhood, 950 Southline Dr is in the 45036 Zip Code of Lebanon, OH.

Nearby Schools

Lebanon High School

Lebanon City
1916 Drake Road
Public School - Grades 8-12 (1628 Students)

Lebanon Junior High

Lebanon City
160 Miller Road
Public School - Grades 7-8 (878 Students)

Berry Intermediate School

Lebanon City
23 Oakwood Avenue
Public School - Grades 5-6 (843 Students)

Donovan Elementary School

Lebanon City
401 Justice Drive
Public School - Grades 3-4 (785 Students)
School data provided by GreatSchools.
The GreatSchools Rating helps parents compare schools within a state based on a variety of school quality indicators and provides a helpful picture of how effectively each school serves all of its students. Ratings are on scale of 1 (below average) and to 10 (above average) and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider needs as part of the school selection process.

About GreatSchools Data on ApartmentHomeLiving.com.

Points of Interest

Time and distance from 950 Southline Dr.

Big Box and Retail

904 Columbus Ave
1 minute drive / 0.57 miles away
3649 Lebanon Rd
9 minute drive / 4.22 miles away
575 Corwin Nixon Blvd
10 minute drive / 4.7 miles away

Colleges and Universities

4200 E University Blvd
23 minute drive / 10.75 miles away


3420-3500 Towne Blvd
17 minute drive / 8.28 miles away
3651 Towne Blvd
18 minute drive / 8.6 miles away


4075 Old Western Row Road
19 minute drive / 9.03 miles away
7700 University Drive
23 minute drive / 11.02 miles away

Shopping Centers

726 E Main St
1 minute drive / 0.42 miles away
916 Columbus Ave
1 minute drive / 0.63 miles away
1231-1235 Columbus Ave
2 minute drive / 0.97 miles away

950 Southline Dr has 5 shopping centers within 1.4 miles.

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Viewing: 950 Southline Dr | Desktop Version | Listing Updated: 02/07/2025