When out on the apartment grounds, never leave your pets unattended. The great outdoors is for you AND Bruno, not you OR Bruno. Dogs and cats should never be left to wander outdoors unattended.
If you’re not there, your pet shouldn't be there either.
Also, there should be no such thing as an "outside cat" when living in an apartment. Cats left to stray often go feral, get into fights, and can even die. I think everyone’s heard the eerie, “child-like” screams as two cats claw it out in the night—it's freaky! There is an obnoxious cat in my community who's owners let roam the apartments and cause trouble. It actually tries to fight my cats through my window! Keep that cat indoors and safe.
The same goes for your pooch. Dogs can get hurt or carted off to the pound when out alone. Not to mention get into a whole slew of additional trouble. In the end, your pet is YOUR responsibility and so are their actions, so be sure to not leave them unattended.
Pets should also not be left unattended on patios or balconies. You’re not planning on teaching your dog to grill out there, are you? And you can almost make it a safe bet that curiosity will have your cat leap the rail and take off if left alone on the balcony. They, too, are very aware that they always land on their feet.
As long as you are with them, outside is the perfect place to take Rufus or Mittens out for some exercise. Even then though, there is one thing to always keep in mind.
You've got to keep them on a leash.
Leashing keeps your pet from darting out in front of cars and causing all types of trouble. Even if he's on a leash, you should still be in full control of Rufus. Make sure he doesn’t approach children or others too quickly, doesn’t jump on them, or even look like he’s straining to get a piece of their leg. Not good.
Taking care of a pet isn't supposed to be simple and requires a little work and consideration of those around you. In the end, as long as you respect your neighbors and those around you, your pets will to. Naturally, because you should be in control of their actions. WOOF!