Nothing cools you off on a hot summer day better than a dip in the community pool. When it's not crowded, taking a visit to the community pool can be like relaxing at a private luxury pool in your backyard.
Even at it's most comfortable times, it is always important to remember a few things when spending time at your apartment community's pool.
Common Courtesy
First is common courtesy and to be respectful that there may be other residents enjoying the same amenities as you are. Whether it is keeping your noise down so that you aren't screaming in their space or keeping from splashing them in the face, you must always be considerate of your neighbors. Oh! And if you have the pool to yourself and then people all of a sudden show up to share it, don't be territorial like you own the place...because you don't. Just be aware and be considerate and you should be good to go.
The Rules
The second thing that you really should keep in mind on a visit to the community pool is the rules. They are kept printed on a sign and in display for all to see for a reason. EVERYONE SHOULD ABIDE BY THEM. Not just because rules are rules, but also for safety's sake.
Last night in my community, police arrested a resident for trespassing on the pool area after the posted closing times. The rules post those times for a number of reasons. One, because mischief is more likely to happen at night and their is no one around to help if someone gets themselves in danger. Two, because a ruckus of noise at the pool late at night could be very disturbing to nearby neighbors. And three, because the apartments can't be liable for your safety in the case that something happens to you after those posted hours. So pay attention to the hours and do the community and yourself a favor by not going to the pool after those posted hours.
No Diving
No diving! If it tells you not to dive, there is a very good reason. The pool isn't deep enough to handle a dive and you could seriously injure yourself, so don't try it! Simple as that.
Also, unless you are chosen or paid by the community to touch the pool equipment, you should keep your hands off. Many communities have 24 hour surveillance cameras and if you break will pay for it.
The bottom line is to be courteous of others, follow the rules, and just use common sense. Plain and simple.
Now get to the pool and enjoy the sun!