Be Covered! The Low Down on Renters Insurance

Imagine this: On your drive home from work you see black smoke filling the sky on the horizon. As you get closer to home, that huge cloud of black smoke seems to be growing and growing. Pulling slowly through the apartment’s gates you see fire engines and fire fighters scurrying about trying to tame the raging fire that has now engulfed your entire apartment building.

After all is said and done, the apartment and your possessions lay in ash and rubble. Your clothes, computers, personal novelties, high-end consumer electronics, furniture, and everything are gone or ruined.

Were you covered?

The fact is: without rental insurance coverage, your possessions would NOT be covered and all of your things would unfortunately be lost. Replacing all of these items out of your own pocket could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Can you afford that?

Apartment communities have property insurance that will cover the damage to the building itself, but these policies do not cover the renters’ personal belongings. So what do you do?

Get Renter’s Insurance!

With Renter’s Insurance your cost for replacing all of your personal belongings when they are damaged, stolen, or vandalized on the insured property will be covered. You may be thinking, “I don’t own that much. I don’t need it.”

Think again.

Take every single possession you own from your TV and clothes all the way down to your silverware and cups. The cost of replacing these items will add up to a surprising amount. For less than $20/month in most cases and a possible small deducible, the comfort of knowing that your belongings will be replaced with no additional cost is well worth it.

The truth is that accidents happen to all of us, all the time, and many times it is completely out of our control. Be prepared. Don’t wait around until it’s too late. Save yourself headaches, heartache, and thousands of dollars and consider covering yourself with Renter’s Insurance.