Don't Be A Stranger At That Neighbors Apartment Party

So a neighbor at your apartment who you hardly know has invited you to attend a gathering at their place, but you barely know them? You have nothing to do that night and would love to get out of your apartment and away from your attention needy cats, but the fact that you don't know anyone is intimidating and discouraging.

Sound familiar? I've attended a few dinner parties and other events where I barely knew anyone and have to admit that it can be uncomfortable and time ticks by quite slowly. Not only that, but there are a number of reasons other than just not knowing anyone that can lead to an sour time for you.

However, through learning from my experiences, I'm here to tell you to get out of the house and get to that neighbors apartment gathering. Have some FUN with the following tips on going from uncomfortable and awkward to having a blast, meeting new friends and maybe even being the life of the apartment party in a matter of minutes!

Hit The Bar/Kitchen- Don't know anyone there? NO PROBLEM. Head to the bar or kitchen area full steam at your first on set of uncomfortableness. You'll get to check out the entire place on your way there and look like you have a purpose. Try not to aimlessly wonder around cluelessly, it will show that you feel uncomfortable and many times people find it awkward to talk to a stranger who gives off that uncomfortable vibe. The bar and kitchen area is the most populated area throughout the party and will give you the best chance to strike up convo with some potential new friends. Whatever you do, don't head for the couch. You'll disappear into the background of the party in the worst hiding spot at a party. Plus, if someone smelly or obnoxious sits next to're done for! So, if you don't know a soul, hit the bar!

What Do I Say?- This is an age old question that spans across more than just apartment party banter. However at a party, conversation is as simple as keeping it simple. It's a proven fact that people love sharing their opinions, so ask tons of questions! (This works great on impressing a date as well.) These questions can be simple or complex, as long as they are generic. Ask about great vacation spots, current events, sports, movies, nearby restaurants, careers, kids, etc....but be sure to steer clear of politics and religion!

Scared To Be Stuck With No Way Out- Some folks are scared that they will be stuck in a boring conversation or even worse, at a boring party. Keep in mind that there is always a way out! If someone keeps gabbing about a topic that is straining and of no interest to you, politely excuse yourself to the restroom or to step outside to make an important phone call that you suddenly remember you have to make. Trust me, they won't be hurt by your quick exeunt.

To Dress Or Not To Dress- Never waste any thought on dress code. If you have questions, just call the host and ask. They'll think it's great that you're double checking. Plus, if you are dressed up, most of the other people would be thinking, "Gosh! They look GOOOOD!" or if you are under-dressed, they'll be wishing they could be as comfortable as you are. It's a win-win situation, so like I said, don't waste thought.