Quick Apartment Decorating Tips: Accents, Accents, and More Accents
Want to add some extra flavor to a somewhat boring room?
Decorating Ideas for the Designer in All of Us
Want to add some extra flavor to a somewhat boring room?
Many bedrooms tend to get neglected. Get your minds out of the gutter, I'm talking about through decoration. My first apartment bedroom was so boring that it would put you to sleep...no pun intended....
I've seen my fair share of empty coffee tables or ones containing the weirdest things. Maybe some apartmentites out there need a little guidance or ideas for ways to decorate their living room centerpieces and make them shine.
From time to time, an apartment may feel small. In all honesty, if you look at the square footage between a three bedroom apartment and a three bedroom house, you'll find that they aren't far off from one another.
If your place looks good, you feel good. It's as simple as that.
Decorating your place for the holidays or a party? There are a few things that all residents of apartmentsmust keep in mind before embarking on your holiday decorating adventure.
We all know that living on a budget is a part of life. Like most people, apartment dwellers love finding easy ways to save some cash here and there.
Typically, many apartment residents don't spend a ton of time worrying about color in their apartment, but color is the key to emotional response in the place you love!
Decorating can be just like picking an outfit to wear. Seasons can effect what is "in" and what is "out.
Okay, so at this point I think it is safe to admit that there is a huge variety of things that people "Live 4" out there, but one specific "live for" is our motto around here and it rings true with just about everyone...